The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday March 29, 2006

President’s Message: Not sure what most of our fellow Rotarians had for dinner Tuesday night that made them so “rowdy”. I had no control of the meeting thanks to Bruce Sims, Kris Kelso and our very own Sgt at Arms. Unbelievable! Maybe they were too excited to be in a different environment since we met at the Mariposa Inn Mexican Restaurant due to remodeling at our usual hang out. What ever the case may be, I hope next week they give me a break and behave like adults, I may be asking for too much. Our Golf tournament meeting was very successful, we need more member involvement. Remember this is OUR biggest fund raiser of the year, we need all of you to make it as successful as possible.

Meeting news: This was a busy meeting for the Sgt. of Arms. We had 3 birthday spins, Miriam Tennant, Jessika Martinez, and Luis Chacon for his daughter Matilda for a total of $60.00. But that was not it for the spins. Kris Kelso had to pay $15 for his ‘No Comment’ Spin (the comment would have to be bleeped out). Bruce Sims had to spin when his cell phone rang at the beginning of the meeting. He tried to get the fee waived by claiming it was simply a Reminder to start the meeting Ring – but no go. And then poor Gary Lawson had to spin the familiar Unfriendly spin. It seems the mole reported that Gary isn’t quite greeting members the way he should. However, later in the meeting, Gary got his $15 waived by majority consent when he volunteered to take over the program duties for June ( June was left without a program coordinator with the departure of Alex Rodriquez from the club) I just wonder who the mole is ?? Gary, unfriendly??

Celebrity Golf Tournament -- April 24th, 2006.
Golfers: We need golfers
Sponsors: We need hole sponsors, tee sponsors and golf package sponsors.
Raffle Prizes: More and more prizes are coming in every week. However, we can always use more, so please contact your business associates for donations.
Volunteers: We also will need plenty of volunteers for the tournament. We need people to man the tables, sell tickets, help at holes, set up of auction and raffle items, sell dinner tickets and the list goes on and on. Please ask your friends now! Call Carolina Chacon for more info.
Thanks for your continued support of our golf tournament! Keep thinking SPONSORS!

Member news:
Don Morrin’s dad is hospitalized with several severe ailments, and Don’s mother is currently staying with Don and his wife. Please keep Don and his family in your prayers.
Henry Morgan of the Covina Sunrise club lost his wife Joy this week. The memorial will be this Saturday, April 1st, at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, on 3rd & Badillo in Covina. In lieu of flowers, the family has asked for donations to the Joy Morgan Memorial Fund.

Exchange Students: The Sgt of Arms himself had to spin this time. It seems he was a little too interested in the female German exchange student! If you are interested in hosting an exchange student for approx 12 months, please contact Carolina Chacon for more information.

President Elect: Our incoming president, Vatche Kelartinian invites everyone to attend the District Assembly – if you are interested, please contact Vatche.

Good Friday Breakfast: The San Gabriel Valley YMCA will be hosting its 28th Annual Good Friday Breakfast at South Hills Country Club on April 14th, 2006. Special guest will be Favid Frost, a former Angels pitcher, commodities trader in Chicago, and a columnist for the Orange County Register. Please join us to hear his special message.

First Friday Breakfast: Soar with the Eagles and Network with your West Covina Chamber on April 7th at 7:00 am. Special guest speaker Pastor Kelley DuPee from Faith Community Church. As usual a local charity will also be featured and given the chance to appeal to the local business community for support. This time it is our very own Stepping Stones For Women with Executive Director Kathy Benton. $15 chamber members, $18 at the door. Location: Marie Callender’s, East Garvey, West Covina.

Program: Tony Long, with the Diabetes Care Education & Pharmacy Services of West Covina provided us with some very well received information about Diabetes, sugar levels in the blood, diet and many other health issues. Diabetes is the 5th highest cause of Death in the US, and #1 cause for blindness. Another fatal disease caused by diabetes is renal failure – and the most scariest statistics of all is – THAT DIABETES CAN BE CONTROLLED…. with medications, diet changes and exercise people with diabetes can live normal long happy healthy lives. If you would like more information, please contact Tony at 877-227-3889

Raffle: Miriam Tennant left the breakfast $20 richer as she drew a joker.

2006 District Conference
Hilton Palm Springs Resort
May 18-21, 2006
"Fun in the Sun 2006"
400 E Tahquitz Canyon Way
Palm Springs, CA

Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammer Save the Date!
May 3, 2006
Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammer, Rotary International President will be in Las Vegas May 3 for an Interclub meeting.
Details will be posted here when available.
For more information.....
Tom Novotny

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site

Apr 5: Editor/Publisher for Armijo Newspaper
Apr 12: Program tbd
Apr 14: Good Friday Breakfast, YMCA, at South Hills Country Club
Apr 19: Program: Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis
Apr 21-22: District Assembly
Apr 24: Golf Tournament

Places you should visit regularly:
District’s Newsletter:
Rotary International member website:
Rotary International:

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.