The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday April 5, 2005 The Sunrise

What a terrific meeting we had today. My opinion of Judges will be forever changed. Our speaker today, Judge Khan, is not only a 17 year veteran of the bench, but quite the stand up comic! If you were absent, you really missed a great meeting.

GREAT Golf Tournament News: We now have 158 paid golfers and the tournament is full. We are unable to take any more golfers due to the time constraint but also because South Hills Country Club only has 75 golf carts and we will have to rent additional carts at $75 a piece. This extra costs will eat away at the profits, so no more golfers. This is a first – we are having to turn golfers away. BUT, please encourage everyone to sign up for the dinner, which is going to be a blast with this many people in attendance. Also encourage everyone to buy ads for the program, sign up for tee sponsorships or to provide prizes for the raffle and auction. New additions to the auction are Dodgers & Clippers tickets, and hotel stays at the Gold Nugget & Gold Strike in Las Vegas. We need a lot more volunteers to help during the event. Please let Mark Tedesco, Bill or Danielle know what time you can help. The next Golf Tournament meeting is Monday, 4/11/05 at 5pm at Reniero’s office.
Special recognition to Danielle for doing such a great job with the organization of the golf tournament. We couldn’t have done it without you. This is going to be the best golf tournament ever.
President’s Message:
We have a new Rotarian among us. The long awaited installation of Gregg Benton finally took place today, just barely in time for his participation in the Golf Tournament. Something about a handicap, an annual challenge with the Lions Club, and a dream Bill had about his dad, telling him to get that trophy back!
April is Volunteer Month. Make sure to keep track of all your volunteer hours and provide the total hours to Danielle at the end of the month.
Quick Reminder – Every Rotarian every Year – $100.00 RI Foundation Contribution drive. You can make your donation through RI’s website under “Membership Access.”
4-way Test Competition: The next competition is Friday, April 15th at the Claremont Rotary Club at 12:10pm. Our champ Tom Murphy will be competing against the winners from several other Clubs. If you have the time to go and cheer Tom, please call Miriam for more information.
Program: Judge Abe Khan was a great speaker today. Not only did he provide some insight into the workings of the judicial system, reminded us of the importance of voting for the right people to become judges and that the jury system in the US is the Hallmark of a free society, but he also entertained us, in fact he had us roaring with laughter, when he recited actual attorney questions and testimony from various court cases.
The speaker Wednesday, April 13th will be Brooke Fix from Y2K Marketing. He will be speaking about the latest marketing concepts. An interesting subject that we can benefit from.

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