The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, September 27, 2006

President’s Message: We had a great presentation this morning from Chris Datwyler. But we had a lot of absentees.
Please remember we need to sell tickets for the day at the theatre.
We also need to sell tickets for “A Taste of West Covina”.
And do not forget the Red Ribbon Rally on October 28th. Mark Dettor needs volunteers.

Rotary Day at the Theatre: Menopause the Musical - Special showing for West Covina Sunrise Rotary only – Sunday, October 22nd: Noon: Lunch will be served - 2pm play begins. Special pricing includes lunch, wine & water: first 6 rows center $55. All other tickets $45.
So far we have sold approx. 160 tickets -- but we need to sell 300. Please contact all your friends, neighbors, and family members. Also talk to your PTA Club, your baseball team, your bridge club, the kids’ football team, your bar tender, your barber & your beautician ….. You get the message I am sure.. Sell those tickets.
Please contact Don Morrin for tickets at (909) 816-3474 e-mail or Billy Tarozzi at (800) 938-9929 Check out for more information.

Red Ribbon Rally: October 28. Please sign up to help make pancakes - we need you from 6am till approx. noon. Mark Dettor is this year’s chair. Meetings are Thursday mornings at 7:30 AM at Denny’s on Azusa, in West Covina.
Red Ribbon Rally Thank You Dinner will be held at West Covina High School's Dog Rock Café November 15th at 7PM. All members are urged to attend in support of this event.

West Covina Taste of the Town: Roaring 20’s VIP Casino Night: Friday, October 6th, 6-11PM at the West Covina Westfield Mall. Cost: $20. Please see Carolina Chacon for tickets. The proceeds will benefit the following West Covina organizations: Women’s Club, Kiwanis, Lions Club, Rotary (noon), West Covina Beautiful, WC Council PTA, WC Historical Society & of course your own Sunrise Rotary. A great way to raise money – simply have fun…….
Since our club has not sold a lot of tickets, probably not enough to be considered for the event again next year, it was decided by vote, that all members will be charged for 2 tickets, and that the club will buy 50 tickets so we at least will sell 100 tickets. The club tickets will be used for PR purposes, given to teachers, potential members etc. If you would like some tickets, please contact Carolina Chacon. Tickets will also be available at the meeting on October 4th. Remember this is a great opportunity to get photos & stories in the local papers: West Covina Sunrise Rotary donates tickets to hard working teachers….. etc..
For more info visit
PS. Gallo will be providing free wine from 6 til 7 PM…
so get your tickets now.

Center for Aging Resources: Join Vatche for the Fifth Annual Silent Auction, Fundraiser and Open House to benefit the Center for Aging Resources. Friday, October 20, from 6 to 9 PM. The event is free and includes dinner, drinks, live auction, and a 50/50 raffle. Also free entertainment by Vatche who will mc’s the event in his period costume.

Stepping Stones for Women: The rummage sale Sept 23 was a great success. Thanks to everyone who either donated items or purchased items…. One person’s trash an other’s treasure ..
Stepping Stones for Women will he hosting their Annual 2006 Dinner Auction, Saturday, October 14, 2006, at 6 pm, at the Upper Turner Center at Azusa Pacific University. There will be a great silent/love auction, live jazz music, gourmet dinner. All proceeds will benefit Stepping Stones for Women’s operations and future expansion of their facilities.
Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar: Would you like to sharpen your leadership skills? Would you like to receive advice from "the experts" on how to be more effective in leading in your Rotary Club, other community organizations or your business? Are you interested in being a Rotary Leader but don't know where to begin?

District 5300 is offering the 2006 Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar (PRLS) to provide you with these answers and more! The goal of PRLS is to provide a set of training sessions wherein current and future Rotary leaders learn to become more effective in their leadership roles. The program is designed to encourage those whose goals include a basic comfort with a leadership position. Every subject is intended to be of benefit either inside or outside Rotary.

The basic PRLS curriculum includes:
• Communications
• Basic Leadership Principles
• Leading a Meeting
• Basic Public Speaking
• Rotary, Your Club and You
• Leading And Motivating Volunteers
Presenters include past and present District 5300 leaders and leaders from the greater community. Each PRLS seminar is different in content, so even if you’ve attended once, come again!
Those who attend a PRLS training meeting and participate in other Rotary leadership events receive recognition at the District Conference and a special PRLS pin.
This year's PRLS meetings will be held October 14, 2006 in Rancho Cucamonga and October 21 in Las Vegas. You can find details and the registration forms on the District website at Questions? Contact PRLS Committee Chair, Greg Jones ( Pasadena Sunrise) at
Program: Today's speaker was Chris Datwyler from District 5300. He is the "behind the scenes" man that makes the District's website as effective as it is. He showed us where all the District info is located on the website. The website is quite informative and Chris does a great job of keeping us all informed.

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site.

Oct 4: Regular meeting
Oct 6: Taste of West Covina Casino Night
Oct 11: Program Speaker - Sylvia Whitlock. Today's speaker is Sylvia Whitlock, the first woman club president in Rotary International 1987-1988. She is a member of “The Mouse That Roared, the Rotary Club of Duarte.” She tells and interesting story on her trials and tribulations in becoming the first woman club president.
Oct 14: Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar PRL Seminars,
Oct 14: Stepping Stones for Women annual fundraising dinner
Oct 18: Regular meeting
Oct 20: Center for Aging Resources Annual Silent Auction
Oct 22: Menopause the Musical
Oct 25: Regular meeting
Oct 28: Red Ribbon Rally
Nov 15: Red Ribbon Rally Thank you Dinner.

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