The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter , January 4, 2006

You make a living
By what you get;
You make a life
By what you give.
Author unknown.

Presidents Message: Well you have survived having me as your president for six months, only six more months to go. The goal set by our district governor is to increase our membership by one member, net. We started the year with 27 members, we are down to 24. To accomplish our district goal we need to bring 4 new members to our club. I know we can do it, please keep Rotary on your mind as you go through your day; always scanning for potential new members. Invite someone you admire to have breakfast, all we need is 4 new members!

Congratulations to our newly elected Board for 2006-2007:

2006-2007 President: Vatche Kelartinian
President Elect: Marc Taylor
Secretary: Luis Chacon
Treasurer: Billy Tarozzi
Sergeant-at-Arms: Marc Taylor
Membership: Kris Kelso
Club Service: Don Morrin
Vocational Service: Mark Tedesco
Community Service: John Scheuplin
International Service: Greg Benton
Foundation Chair: Miriam Tenant
Bulletin Editor: Lone Sorensen

Thank you for agreeing to give of your time and talent to our club. Together we will not only grow our club in Vatche’s year, but also improve it.

Golf Tournament: Please make sure you mark your calendars with the date of next year’s Celebrity Golf Tournament. April 24th, 2006. Committees are forming now. Please contact Mark Tedesco and Marc Taylor to join a committee.

From the District December 2005 newsletter:

Chamber Breakfast: The West Covina Chamber of Commerce is hosting their First Friday breakfast of the New Year on January 6th at 7:00 AM. The speaker will be our very own Chief Frank Wills. Please contact Gary Lawson at (626) 338-8496 for more info.

Program: Club Business – elections.

District Assembly for the 2006-2007 Rotary Year: April 22, 2006, Etiwanda Gardens. All Officers and Committee Members should plan to attend. For those of you new on the board -- and we welcome and thank you --- the district assembly is a “training” session for the various roles on the board.

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site.

Jan 11: Speaker TBA
Jan 18: West Covina Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Gary Lawson
Jan 25: Speaker TBA
Jan 25: At 8:30 AM- Golf Tournament Meeting; Please mark your calendars and plan to attend, your participation is vital to the success of our programs.

Places you should visit regularly:
District’s Newsletter:
Rotary International member website:
Rotary International:

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.