The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday April 27, 2005 The Sunrise

President’s Message:
Officers: The District Assembly is this Saturday and our club has 100% participation from the officers for 2005-06. In the past maybe 4 or 5 members have attended – this year we are going 11 members strong. Great to have so many people involved. The District is hosting an Aloha Fellowship mixer Friday evening at the Sycamore Inn in Rancho Cucamonga and all are welcome. Please contact Carolina Chacon for more info.
Community Day at the Fair: The LA County Fair has invited us to participate in a Parade during the Community Day at the fair on Sept. 30, 2005. This will be a great PR opportunity for the club. During the parade we will be able to throw items out into the crowd. This can be informational flyers or fun items to promote our club. If you are interested in helping with the planning of this event, please contact our president. Those participating will have free admission too.
GSE: District is hosting a group of students from Korea in the coming weeks. A welcoming BBQ for the students is planned and everyone is welcome to attend. Please see previous email from our president for further info.
50/50 Raffle: As you all know the golf tournament was a great success this year both from a players fun standpoint as well as financially. A motion was made and passed at the meeting to put the money previously allocated from the 50/50 raffle as the grand prize for the raffle at the golf tournament back to the club. The motion was unanimously passed and starting next week we will continue the weekly 50/50 raffle until someone draws that all important card.
Volunteers: At the golf tournament we had several volunteers who are not members of our club. A special great big Thank You goes to Mike Touhey’s wife Debbie, Mark Tedesco’s wife Lisa, and Vince – Danielle’s significant - for their hard work all day long. It was also noted that the pizza served on the golf course was a great success. We also had a couple of hot wheeling golf carts drivers perusing the course with bottles of alcohol in the back of their carts. It seems some people did enjoy a few drinks on the course, and this may have helped provide the festive mood of the day.
A special thanks was also extended to Reniero Francisco, who moved, both his home and his business, to Newport Beach. Even though he could have cruised through the last months of his membership here, he stepped up to the plate and was very instrumental in the success of the tournament.

Member news: We celebrated a couple of birthdays, Don Morrin and Elva Quintanilla, who both opted to spin the wheel instead on singing Happy Birthday to themselves!
Tax Break Anyone? It seems we have a celebrity among us. One of our members was recently featured on the front page of the San Gabriel Tribune Newspaper for creating havoc at the San Dimas City Hall. It seems she has purchased a historic home and is now ‘demanding’ a tax break from the city. Actually she is only benefiting from the Mills Act which provides home owners, like Diana Veloz, who own historic homes with tax breaks on their homes. However, they do have to maintain and keep their historic homes in their original form, which can be costly. Luckily for Diana, she got a free pass when she spun the wheel, so together with that little bleak tax break from the city, she is having a petty good month. By the way, Diana has promised to host a club event so we can all see and admire her special Adobe home.
Police Athletic Event: This past weekend the West Covina Police Dept participated in the annual Baker to Baker Run. Our very own Mark Tedesco ran 8 miles through the desert, which, per the Chief, was a pretty good feat for “such an old guy!”
The M & M Show: It’s official. Mark Tedesco and Mark Taylor have agreed to co-chair the golf event for next year. Thank you.
Visitors: We had a very special visit from our very own Past President John “Ski” Schimanski, a long time Rotarian and now Honorary member of our club. He drove all the way from Las Vegas just to buy our 50/50 raffle tickets – well, that was his excuse anyways. He also hosted a dinner for the West Covina Police dept after the Baker to Baker Run and it was great for the friends to catch up with one another.
We also had a special appearance from a gentleman named John Kahvedjian Who is he? Well he is actually a member of our club, but has not attended a meeting in a very long time. Hope to see you more often now John…
Program: The speaker for the day was Sue Dunn, of the West Covina Chamber of Commerce. She updated the club of the various activities the Chamber is involved in. The Citizen of the Year award is coming up and we were encouraged to nominate someone from our club for the honor. The nominee does not have to live in West Covina, but must be contributing to the community of West Covina. Forest Tennant has been selected for this very special honor twice.
Sue Dunn encouraged all to come and shop at the Farmers Market in downtown West Covina on Saturday mornings. It has become of the areas best markets in the past few years. Sue also provided flyers for some of the other activities coming up.
Club Hottie: In addition to being in the Chamber, Sue is also active in the Lyon’s Club. They are getting ready for an upcoming fund raiser and asked if we could provide our club hottie to be auctioned off at the event. By an overwhelming majority of the ladies in the room, Frank Wills was nominated. The chief was a little reluctant though to accept this new status as a sex symbol for our club. He didn’t seem to think that a ’50 year old balding guy’ would fetch much money.

April 29: 5:00 PM District Mixer,
April 30: 8:00 AM District Assembly, Etiwanda Gardens, Rancho Cucamonga
May 4: 7:10 AM Breakfast Meeting: FUN Club Group Builder and $$$$$
May 7: 2:30 -5:30 PM Group Study Exchange BBQ
May 11: 7:10 AM Breakfast Meeting: Kris Kelso, YMCA
May 18: 7:10 AM Breakfast Meeting: Speaker from the AQMD or Chief Elliot from the WC Fire Dept.
May 19-22 District Conference – Laughlin, NV, not too late to register Click her: District Conference
May 25: 7:10 AM Breakfast Meeting: Amanda Tured, YWCA Wings
Sept 30: LA County Fair Community Day

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.