The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday April 20, 2005.

PRELIMINARY RESULT: $22,000 IN NET EARNINGS (goal was $20,000)

All the details & photos will be forthcoming.

President’s Message:
Luis was home sick in bed so Carolina took over the president responsibilities for the day. Carolina had a few announcements – District Assembly is coming up – Visit the District website for all the detailed information. All are welcome to attend. Many workshops will be offered on various rotary functions. Also, remember to tally all your volunteer hours for April, as the totals will be forwarded to District.
Officers: As you probably all know by now, our club secretary Danielle announced in March that she would be resigning from the post after the golf tournament. Danielle, thank you for all your hard work. You will truly be missed. Our new club secretary is Jessika Martinez – thank you Jessika for accepting the position and welcome to the board.
Volunteer Opportunity: Kathy Benton thanked for the help at the Stepping Stones work day April 16th. In addition, Stepping Stones is hosting a tea in May; tickets are $22 per person. Please call Kathy Benton for further info: 626-974-1162.
Program: Our speaker for the day was Larry Russell, who is an investment adviser. His presentation focused on the management costs charged by Mutual Fund managers. The costs charged can make a huge difference in the net growth of your wealth held in Mutual Funds. He stressed we need to look closely at the costs before we rush out and buy funds even though they are recommended by services such as Morning Star. The earnings often do not make up for the expenses charged by the managers and we would be better off buying funds with lower earnings if they have lower expenses.

If you have any announcements, event info, news, or questions for our club members, please forward same to my email or provide the info in writing at the regular meetings. So far I have not received any information to include in this weekly newsletter. Comments in regards to the format and what info should be included in the newsletter are welcome too.

Next meeting: Wednesday, April 27th See you all there Bright and Early…

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.