The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter , Wednesday November 30, 2005

Skinny, tall, short, obese, or just at the right weight -- we all have our health issues. And Dr. Lee Lau helped us pin point some of those issues at this week’s meeting. He was kind enough to bring in a Body Fat % measuring apparatus ( please don’t ask me for the real name  ) and we all had the opportunity to get weighed and have our body fat % measured. Thanks – Dr. Lau, right after we all feasted on Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, yams, pumpkin pie …..
Actually, it was a very informative presentation. Thank you Dr. Lau

Presidents Message: Who do you know that would make a great addition to our club? We have membership positions available for the following; public relations, restaurant owner, attorney, firefighter, dentist, jester, florist, doctor, nurse, teacher, stunt driver, get the message? Invite someone who will make a positive addition to our club. The more outgoing, giving Rotarians we have the easier our tasks become while doing more for our community and the world.

Sad news: Desi has decided to leave the club. He is finding himself too busy with work and a new baby at home to attend meetings and functions. We wish you well Desi, and don’t forget, you can always come back.

Nominations: It is time to nominate your fellow Rotarians (or yourself) to serve on the board for next year. Please send an email to Carolina Chacon with the names and positions for the people you would like to nominate.

Member News: Greg Benton just found out that he passed the law exam. Congratulations, congratulations. Now we officially have our very own Club Council. And Greg got to spin.

It was yet another very busy day for the Rotary Wheel, starting with Chris Kelso who spun as soon as he entered the room. He had to spin because he ran out of gas on the freeway and caused Dave Harris to be late for the meeting. Now, really Chris, how many times are you going to see how far you can drive with the red warning light on – without running out of gas ???

Bruce Simms had to spin the customary Birthday spin – but I don’t think he looks a day older. Must be all that toxic waste from the tires (info from past meeting!)

Luis Chacon had to spin because his daughter has been accepted at the prestigious Chaminade University in Hawaii -- I call for a Rotary Retreat once the Chacon’s buy property in Hawaii.

Golf Tournament: You all better memorize the date for this year’s golf tournament – otherwise you will be spinning the wheel like Dave Harris and Lee Lau both found out.

Christmas Baskets: December 16th - & December 17th Reserve the dates to help with our Christmas Basket program. This year we will be providing baskets to approximately 100 needy families recommended to us by Love Inc. We already have some turkeys donated, but need lots more. We need whole frozen turkeys, can goods such as vegetables, yams, toys, books etc. – however, remember we need enough for 100 families. If you have any contacts at local grocery stores please call chair Mark Tedesco with the info. We will also need to put the baskets together, the date is Friday, December 16, 2005 at 6:00 PM (Location TBD). We will be handing out/delivering the baskets on Saturday, December 17, 2005.

Golf Tournament:
April 24, 2005. Put it in your calendars. Committees are forming now. Please contact Mark Tedesco to sign up to help.

Program: Guess what. If you exercise you can reduce your body fat! The Body fat % measurement was fun, even given the seriousness of the matter at hand. Dr. Lee Lau gave interesting details about the whole process, how exercise and dehydration affects the reading of the machine. Dr. Lau is involved with the Northview High School Wrestling team and the State is now mandating that students are tested for body fat and a minimum weight the students can weigh is established early in the school year. Several wrestlers have died from malnutrition associated with competing in wresting thereby given the State the reason to regulate the sport some what.

Breakfast with Santa at Applebee’s: On December 17th, 7:30AM Applebee’s and Future America have joined forces to provide some holiday fun for needy children and their families. The kids will be treated to breakfast and photos with Santa and his elves, while the adults will receive breakfast and a certificate for lunch later. Tickets are $8.00 each. You can buy tickets for yourself and for others, or simply make a donation. Please contact Gary Lawson for more info.

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site.

Dec 7: 2100 Club Holiday Breakfast Presentation at South Hills Country Club at 8:00 A.M., in lieu of our regular meeting. You must RSVP with Carolina Chacon, no later than Friday, December 2, 2005. More information will be sent via email. Check your emails…

Dec 14: Golf Tournament Meeting. Dave Mirisch will provide ideas for fundraising and increasing our net take from the tournament.

Dec 16: Christmas basket assembly, location to be announced.

Dec 17: Christmas basket deliveries, location to be announced.

Dec 21: Carol Henault. Executive Director, Reading is Fundamental of Southern California. The status of education in our elementary schools and what we can do to help.

Dec 28: No Meeting.

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.