The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wednesday May 11h, 2005

President’s Message: Stepping up to the Challenge is the 3rd annual 5-K walk organized by the City of West Covina, Kaiser and other companies. This year it will be held at Cameron Park on June 4th. We have been asked to help with the Pancake breakfast. Volunteers please call Luis to sign up. They are only expecting approx. 200 people – a piece of cake for this club.

The Mole has Spoken: The mole is still active, so make sure you always greet all your Rotary friends at the meetings, or you will find yourself spinning the wheel.

Community Day at the Fair: The LA County Fair has invited us to participate in a Parade during the Community Day at the fair on Sept. 30, 2005. Dave Harris will chair the event. This will be a great PR opportunity for the club and we will get 20 free passes for the fair for the members participating.

Officers: Mark Tedesco is our new Sgt-at-Arms and look out. New rules will be in place soon so make sure you brush up on the etiquette of the meetings, make sure to read the weekly newsletter and check out the website from time to time – or you may find yourself spinning the wheel.

Red Ribbon Rally. This year the rally will be held October 29th at West Covina High School. Alex Rodriguez is the co-chair representing our Club, and the committee meetings have already started. If you are interested in helping with this event, the meetings are at 7:30 AM at Denny’s Restaurant (corner of Puente and Azusa).

Angels Baseball: We are selling tickets to the Angels game May 24th, 7:05 PM, against the Chicago White Sox. Tickets are available for a min. $6 donation. Please call Luis if you would like to purchase tickets –only 25 tickets are available, so call now.

Shoots and Ladders: Carolina Chacon is this year’s chair and committee meetings will start soon.

District Conference: May 15th is the last day to sign up. See District website for more info.

Member news: Reniero will host an open house at his new business office in Irvine Sept 17th from noon till 4pm. Invitations will be coming in the mail soon.
Stepping Stones is having their annual Tea and Fashion Show May 21st. Please call Kathy Benton for more info.
PMAC MDA Golf Tournament. The annual golf tournament benefiting MDA will be at the South Hills Country Club June 20th. The fee is $200. For more info please call 800-710-PMAC.
Cops for Kids Golf Tournament. The West Covina Police Department is having its first annual golf tournament on June 30th at the California Country Club. The fee is $150.Please call 626-472-5195 for more info.
Every Rotarian Every Year: Just a reminder to donate $100 to the RI Foundation so the club can meet its goal of 100% participation.

Scholarship Dinner: The Scholarship dinner is May 26th. Place and time will be announced next week. Alex
Rodriquez and his committee are already reviewing the applications and they are ready to pick the scholarship winners.

50/50 Raffle: The raffle was won by Don Morrin, however he didn’t’ draw that all important card There are now only 10 cards left.

Program: Kris Kelso, Program Officers for the San Gabriel Valley YMCA provided a very informative presentation about the many programs offered by the YMCA. The organization is in expansion mode and soon should be offering after school programs and other activities within the city of West Covina.

May 18: 7:10 AM Breakfast Meeting: Speaker from the AQMD
May 19-22: District Conference – Laughlin, NV, not too late to register Click here: District Conference
May 25: 7:10 AM Breakfast Meeting: Amanda Tured, YWCA Wings
May 26: Scholarship Dinner
June 4: Stepping up to the Challenge 5-K walk
June 18-22: 2005 RI Convention, McCormick Place, Chicago, click here for more information
June 30: Pmac Invitational golf tournament for MDA
June 25 5:00 PM Club's Throughout Party
June 30: Cops for Kids Golf Tournament
Sept 30: LA County Fair Community Day
Oct 29: Red Ribbon Rally, West Covina High School

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.