The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, October 10, 2006

There will be dancing in the street!!!
October 22nd, Noon

The street in front of the theatre will be closed and tables will be set up for our lunch !!!!
So sell those tickets……………
So far we have sold 197 tickets -- but we need to sell 250. Please contact all your friends, neighbors, and family members. Also talk to your PTA Club, your baseball team, your bridge club, the kids’ football team, your bar tender, your barber & your beautician ….. You get the message I am sure.. Sell those tickets.
Please contact Don Morrin for tickets at (909) 816-3474 e-mail or Billy Tarozzi at (800) 938-9929 Check out for more information.
Red Ribbon Rally: October 28. Please sign up to help make pancakes - we need you from 6am till approx. noon. Mark Dettor is this year’s chair. Meetings are Thursday mornings at 7:30 AM at Denny’s on Azusa, in West Covina. Expected 5000 participants…..
Red Ribbon Rally Thank You Dinner will be held at West Covina High School's Dog Rock Café November 15th at 7PM. All members are urged to attend in support of this event.

West Covina Taste of the Town: Roaring 20’s VIP Casino Night - What a Blast…
If you didn’t attend Friday night you missed a grand good time. Jazz music, singers, dancing, gambling and lots of great food. Silent auction and raffle too. But the highlight of the night was the doctor and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Tenant put on a show for all – swing dancing to all of our delights… Who knew Forest could dance like that and Mirian being swung and tossed around like a teenager …. They sure put all the younger folks to shame with their athleticism. Now time to go work out.

Center for Aging Resources: Join Vatche for the Fifth Annual Silent Auction, Fundraiser and Open House to benefit the Center for Aging Resources. Friday, October 20, from 6 to 9 PM. The event is free and includes dinner, drinks, live auction, and a 50/50 raffle. Also free entertainment by Vatche who will mc’s the event in his period costume.

Stepping Stones for Women: Stepping Stones for Women will he hosting their Annual 2006 Dinner Auction, Saturday, October 14, 2006, at 6 pm, at the Upper Turner Center at Azusa Pacific University. There will be a great silent/live auction, jazz music, gourmet dinner. All proceeds will benefit Stepping Stones for Women’s operations and future expansion of their facilities.

Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar: Would you like to sharpen your leadership skills and become more effective in leading in your Rotary Club, other community organizations or your business?
District 5300 is offering the 2006 Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar (PRLS) to provide you with these answers and more! The goal of PRLS is to provide a set of training sessions wherein current and future Rotary leaders learn to become more effective in their leadership roles. Every subject is intended to be of benefit either inside or outside Rotary.
October 14, 2006 in Rancho Cucamonga and October 21 in Las Vegas. You can find details and the registration forms on the District website at Questions? Contact PRLS Committee Chair, Greg Jones ( Pasadena Sunrise) at
The LA 2008 Convention committee wants you!

99th Annual RI Convention * Los Angeles 2008
A collaborative venture of RI Districts
5240, 5260, 5280, 5300, 5320, 5330, & 5340

24,000 Rotarians from around the world are expected to attend this Convention and we need your help. Sign up and be a part of the Convention experience as a volunteer participant. Our volunteer needs are great. We will need 1,200 volunteers to help make this the best ever Rotary International Convention. Sign up today and become part of the Rotary International experience.
Here’s how:
Go to and click on volunteers sign up. Review the assignments and pick the one that interests you. Fill in the blanks and submit. It is that easy. All volunteers
will need to register for the convention. The Convention dates are Saturday June 14th thru Wednesday June 18, 2008. Thank you taking the time to read this. If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me or the current District Governor.
Stew Anderson PDG 2005-2006, 760-245-8816 Home, 760-271-5778 Cell

Every Rotarian, Every Year
Can you not afford less than $1.93 a week?
• As a Rotarian you are encouraged to support the work of OUR Rotary
Foundation by donating a minimum of $120 a year.
• Here are some suggestions for reaching this commitment painlessly:
• Have your club add $10 per month on to your bill.
• Sign up through “member access” for an annual charge to
your credit card or checking account.
• Take your change out every night and then send into TRF.

An Invitation to Participate
Earlier this year we began the process of providing a venue filled with programs that would draw Rotarians from the most distant portions of our district 5300 to the 2007 District Conference. We are developing small committees that will be organized at the club level to get the word out and encourage other fellow Rotarians to get the wheels moving and become a part of the excitement. If you have fun being in on the action, helping to plan, eager to serve, you are needed. Call me now so we can begin to spread the workload out and at the same time, Share the Adventure. We are on the road to success and we need to be able to share this with hundreds of Rotarians and their friends. This event has all the potential of being the most attended conference in years. If you believe that we Rotarians are doing the right things, then step up to the plate and share Rotary with your friends and neighbors.
Now the ball is in your court! Let me hear from you and the role you want to play in this great opportunity. Climb aboard the adventure train and become a productive and interactive member of the Marketing Team for the 2007 District 5300 Conference!
Cliff Houser (day) (626) 568-4320, or e-mail:

Program: Today's speaker was Sylvia Whitlock. Not only was she the very first FEMALE Rotary member, she was also the first female president of a Rotary club. The year was 1987 - yes, that’s right 1987, was the first year that Rotary International let a women become a member – and they didn’t do it willingly. It took several years, several courts – all the way to the US Supreme Court before Rotary International bowed to the pressure and let women join. Sylvia was a member of the Duarte Rotary Club - “The Mouse That Roared” club when she first joined. She is now a member of Claremont Rotary. Her presentation was great. She is very low key and tells a the very interesting story of her trials and tribulations in a very entertaining manner. Thank you Sylvia.

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site.

Oct 14: Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar PRL Seminars,
Oct 14: Stepping Stones for Women annual fundraising dinner
Oct 18: Regular meeting
Oct 20: Center for Aging Resources Annual Silent Auction
Oct 22: Menopause the Musical
Oct 25: Regular meeting
Oct 28: Red Ribbon Rally
Nov 15: Red Ribbon Rally Thank you Dinner.

Places you should visit regularly:
District’s Newsletter:
Rotary International member website:
Rotary International:

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.