The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter , Wednesday November 16, 2005

ROBOTS … ROBOTS … ROBOTS.. ROBOTS… Wednesday morning turned into an invasion by the Robots from West Covina High School’s First Robotics Team!!
If you missed the meeting, you missed out on a special treat.

Presidents Message:
With the departure of our President-Elect Alex Rodriguez, not only is there a void of a very valuable member but also the position of President Elect is vacant. It is imperative that we fill this position as soon as possible. One of our members’ suggested that we go to the person who received second to the last votes for president elect in 2004 and ask him if he’ll step in. I am happy to announce that Vatche Kelartinian has accepted this mission and if there is no opposition from our members, a Congratulations to Vatche will be in order. Please call me on my cell phone (626) 862-5654 if you have any questions, otherwise please send me an email with your thoughts or concerns. A final vote will be taken, please look for this very important email really soon.

Sad news: As you probably have heard by now, Alex Rodriquez is leaving the club. Today was his last meeting. He has accepted a job with the City of Rancho Cucamonga as Deputy Fire Chief. Congratulations Alex. You will be missed.

Member News: It’s a boy. Desi and his wife are the proud parents of a baby boy, Harrison, born last Friday. Congratulations, and have lots of fun over the next many months changing diapers, getting bottles ready, getting up in the middle of the night… night after night …..…..

It was a busy day for the Rotary Wheel. Luis Chacon spun because he accidentally took a detour last week to Hawaii, Carolina didn’t mind the detour at all – but considering he also had an anniversary, he got off rather cheap with $15. Gary Lawson, our recent retiree, has accepted the position as Executive Director of the West Covina Chamber – Congratulations – and a spin please – again it was $15. Bill Tarrozzi spun because he has a brand new baby newphew – again $15. Mark Tedesco was celebrating a birthday and of course he also hit the lucky $15. And last, but not least, our very own fireman, Alex Rodriquez spun the wheel – need I say what he hit?

Christmas Baskets: Wouldn’t you like to volunteer for this special project? This year we will be providing baskets to approximately 100 needy families. We are coordinating the program with Love Inc. this year. We already have some turkeys donated, but need lots more. We need whole frozen turkeys, can goods such as vegetables, yams, toys, books etc. – however, remember we need enough for 100 families. If you have any contacts at local grocery stores please call chair Mark Tedesco with the info. We will also need to put the baskets together, the date is Friday, December 16, 2005 at 6:00 PM (Location TBD). We will be handing out/delivering the baskets on Saturday, December 17, 2005.

Golf Tournament: April 24, 2005. Put it in your calendars.

Program: Who knew that we have a high tech special Robotics Lab right here in our backyard at West Covina High School. Teacher Bob Anderson, 2 students and 2 of the Robots built by the school’s Robotics Club were our special guests at the meeting. WCHS’s team is the only team in the San Gabriel Valley and they have fared quite well at national level competitions. In the first 4 years they have managed to place first 26th and then 11th in all of the US, a remarkable accomplishment for such a young program. They belong to a group called FIRST which was created because there seemed to be a lack of interest in robotics among young people and serves to inspire young people to become great engineers. One of the mottos is to Live Long and Work Hard -- not the usual Play Hard. The program is after school and the students do not receive credits for their efforts. Local students from Cal Poly Pomona serve as mentors for the group and help with the construction of the robots. The first competition is local, then regional, all the way till the National Superbowl of Smarts. The budget for the year is approx. $31,000 to pay for entry fees to competitions and for travel expenses. The team is looking for community support in the form of money, donations of certain tools, but also technical help from engineers. Please contact Bob Anderson at West Covina High School if you are interested in helping this special team. PS. The robot used by the West Covina Police department was built by the team!

Community Cards: West Covina High School Basketball is selling Community Discount Cards. The cost per card is $10 and you get various discounts at many local retailers for one whole year. Please see Gary Larson for more details & purchase of the cards.

West Covina High School Basketball Advertising Banners: You can purchase a banner to hang in the gym at West Covina High School for only $300.00. The banner will hang for the whole year during all events at the gym. See Gary Larson for details.


Nov 30: Weekly meeting – program tbd

Dec 7: NOTE: Weekly meeting –We will be attending the 2100 Club Holiday Breakfast Presentation at South Hills Country Club at 8:00 A.M., in lieu of our regular meeting. You must RSVP with Carolina Chacon, no later than Friday, November 25, 2005. More information will be sent via email. Check your emails…

Dec 14: Weekly meeting – program tbd

Dec 16: Christmas basket assembly, location to be announced.

Dec 17: Christmas basket deliveries, location to be announced.

Dec 21: Weekly meeting – program tbd

Dec 28: Weekly meeting – program tbd

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.