The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter , Wednesday December 7, 2005

News Flash!
An extraordinary event that has never happened before.

A Rotary member thrown out of South Hills Country Club.
And the President Elect that is….

Presidents Message: Here I was concerned about the M&M club and Bruce, I would have never suspected Vatche would get into trouble. On a very positive side, an employee from Citrus Valley Health Partners approached me and thanked the West Covina Sunrise Rotary for showing our support. Attending events such as this breakfast will build “good will” in our community. For those of you who attended and where on your best behavior, Thank You! Vatche, I believe you have a “date” with our wheel next Wednesday.

Nominations: It is time to nominate your fellow Rotarians (or yourself) to serve on the board for next year. Please send an email to Carolina Chacon with the names and positions for the people you would like to nominate.

Golf Tournament: Please make sure you mark your calendars with the date of next year’s Golf Tournament. April 24th, 2006.

Christmas Baskets: December 16th - & December 17th Reserve the dates to help with our Christmas Basket program. This year we will be providing baskets to approximately 100 needy families recommended to us by Love Inc. We already have some turkeys donated, but need lots more. We need whole frozen turkeys, can goods such as vegetables, yams, toys, books etc. – however, remember we need enough for 100 families. If you have any contacts at local grocery stores please call chair Mark Tedesco with the info. We will also need to put the baskets together, the date is Friday, December 16, 2005 at 6:00 PM. We will assemble the Baskets/Bags at Edgewood Middle School, Bldg E6 (YMCA Bldg) where Rotarian Kris Kelso works. A quick guide to the site from the 10 Fwy is exit Sunset, go south to Merced, make a right unto Merced, the first street on your left will be Trojan Way – make a left unto Trojan. The School will be on your right hand side and Bldg E6 will be the first Classroom, a white building not to be mistaken with a couple of maintenance bldgs near by. More details from Mark Tedesco will be made on our next Club meeting. We will be handing out/delivering the baskets on Saturday, December 17, 2005.

Golf Tournament: April 24, 2005. Committees are forming now. Please contact Mark Tedesco to sign up to help.

A wonderful Christmas performance by the WestCoveBears ( the West Covina High School Dance & Performance Team) They held their own Idol contest and the show was not only entertaining, spirited but also funny. Congrats to a great team performance. The team is getting ready for a trip to Europe, including Paris next year. We wish them well.

News Flash continued!
For the early risers, the fun started long before the musical performance ever started. Our very own President Elect, Vatche Kelartinian, was politely asked to leave, to please gently go right back out the doors he just came in from, and egress the premises of the South Hills Country Club. Now you are probably all wondering -- what in the whole world did he do to upset the management at our beloved Country Club. He wore denim. How could you forget Vatche, after all these years…… Do I even need to bring up the word Spin, Wheel, Money, Spin……….. But then again. I must congratulate you, Vatche, for being ever so resourceful. Instead of quietly leaving, embarrassed and all, Vatche simply went to his car, dug out some rather wrinkled Khaki shorts and an old Sports Sweatshirt – and came right back into the Country Club. I don’t know of many who would have dared that stunt. But they let him in, and he got to enjoy the show with the rest of us. This is really something to remember a couple of summers from now for Vatche’s Throw Out Party.

Breakfast with Santa at Applebee’s: On December 17th, 7:30AM Applebee’s and Future America have joined forces to provide some holiday fun for needy children and their families. The kids will be treated to breakfast and photos with Santa and his elves, while the adults will receive breakfast and a certificate for lunch later. Tickets are $8.00 each. You can buy tickets for yourself and for others, or simply make a donation. Please contact Gary Lawson for more info.

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site.

Dec 14: Golf Tournament Meeting. Dave Mirisch will provide ideas for fundraising and increasing our net take from the tournament.

Dec 16: Christmas basket assembly, location to be announced.

Dec 17: Christmas basket deliveries, location to be announced.

Dec 21: Carol Henault. Executive Director, Reading is Fundamental of Southern California. The status of education in our elementary schools and what we can do to help.

Dec 28: No Meeting.

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