The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday March 23, 2005

President’s Message: In the absence of Luis and Carolina Chacon, who were both unable to attend, Alex Rodriquez took over the responsibilities of running the meeting, and he did a good job at that. Several emails were sent to the members this week. Please make sure to check the Summary of Key Board Decisions and contact Luis Chacon if you think we are not in compliance with all rules.

Upcoming Events: Convention in Chicago, Convention in Laughlin and Assembly in Rancho Cucamonga. Please contact Luis Chacon for more information. You can also review our District Website Calendar at

Internet update: Please access your database on the website and update your personal information. Several e-mail addresses and other pertinent information seemingly have not been updated, and our president urges everyone to check to make sure that the info on the website is current.

Golf Tournament News: The tournament is now less than a month away and we only have 84 golfers signed up so far -- we need more golfers. We also need more prizes for the raffle and silent auction. New additions this week were tickets to Disneyland. Please contact Diana Veloz if you know of companies who can be contacted for prizes. Don’t forget we are also selling ads for the program. All the pricing information is in the golf tournament flyer.

Program: The attendance at the meeting was very, very low, and it is a shame that so many of our members didn’t attend. Dr. Fujita provided us with a very interesting presentation about healthy eating habits. It is amazing to me that many of the foods we consume on a daily basis are actually very poisonous for our bodies - and we keep enjoying them anyways.

The speaker for March 30th will be Tom Murphy, who is our club’s representative and group winner for the 4-Way Test competition. We will have the opportunity to listen to his speech and meet his coach. The speaker on April 6th will be Judge Khan, who presided over the Heidi Fleiss case.

The raffle was won by Diana Veloz, but that lucky card is still in the pot. Now only 14 cards left for that big win.

If you have information for the newsletter, please email to Lone Sorensen at

See you all Wednesday, March 31 at 7:10am at the South Hills Country Club.

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