The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Golf Tournament: April 23, 2007.

Greg Benton is the chair for this year’s tournament while Bill Tarrozi is serving as his assistant tournament chair. However, WE NEED EVERYONE TO PITCH IN. At today’s meeting, Greg and Bill handed out a detailed schedule of the main tasks we have to complete before and during the tournament. As you all know, there is plenty of work to be completed in advance of the tournament, and we need your help now. Please call Greg or Bill to volunteer.

Also, if you know of potential sponsors, please provide info to Bill and he will make sure that letters are sent out and phone calls are made.

Upcoming meetings:

Wednesday, January 24th: Greg & Billy will provide the first weekly update of the progress for the golf tournament.

Wednesday, January 24th: The principal from Monte Vista Elementary School will speak. (the recipient school of our Shoes & Socks program)

Saturday, January 27th: Foundation Dinner ( see more detailed info below )

Wednesday, February 14th: Reniero Francisco, our old friend and fellow Rotarian, will be on the program.

If you have any information you would like to have included in the weekly newsletter, please email to:

Don’t forget: Golf Tournament, April 23rd.

Raffle: There are only 9 cards left in the deck. The jackpot before today’s meeting was $1,433.00. So if you first of all buy raffle tickets, and you have the winning number --- and you then pick the right card --- you would have won at least $716.50. Luckily for us all, well except Luis, he picked the 8 of Diamonds today. So get ready for the buying frenzy next week.

California East and West Regions Foundation Dinner
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Royal Vista Country Club
20055 Colima Rd, Walnut, CA

Fary Moini The 37 Rotary Clubs of the California East and West Regions of District 5300 will be holding their Annual Foundation dinner this Rotary year on Saturday evening, January 27th at the Royal Vista Golf Club in Walnut. The speaker will be Fary Moini of the La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary Club, who will present her heart-warming story of her work with refugees in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The dinner will be a black tie optional affair. Cost per person $85.00
Phone: 626-284-9901 (office) 626-797-3258 (home)

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.