The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Red Ribbon Rally: The Red Ribbon Rally was a huge success. It was estimated that we baked approx. 150 more lbs of pancake mix than last year – and that amounts to a whole lot of pancakes…………
Thanks for all who volunteered
Especially Mark Dettor who chaired the event for our club.

Future America: Saturday December 9th is the annual Breakfast with Santa program, this year at BJ’s Restaurant. If you are interested in the sponsorship program, or want to attend, please contact Nathan Kirschenbaum at 626-536-7928 or Gary Lawson.

The LA 2008 Convention committee wants you! 24,000 Rotarians from around the world are expected to attend this Convention and the volunteer needs are great. We will need 1,200 volunteers to help make this the best ever Rotary International Convention. Sign up today at and click on volunteers sign up. The Convention dates are 6/14 to 6/18/08. For more info contact Stew Anderson 760-245-8816 Home,760-271-5778 cell,

Program: The speaker was John Mansino, with the Coalition on Urban Renewal & Education. IT was a very good presentation full of some very scary statistics in regards to the state of the public educational system. His organization is trying to make sure students enrolled in non-performing schools can utilize the No-One Left Behind vouchers to transfer to better schools – something that is not happening now. They are also trying to enrich the education and get the schools to emphasize Reading, Writing, Math & Science. Schools in the US lack far behind most Asian and European schools in testing, especially in Science & Math. They are also very concerned about the many forms of sexual education being taught to kids as young as 6 in 1st grade. Some of his examples were outrageous. The organization is looking for volunteers, people to write letters to editors etc., and also monetary donations. Please call 310-410-9981 for more info. You can also check out

I think we need to invoke a new rule --- Marc Taylor can no longer participate in the weekly raffle ----- HE WON AGAIN>>>>>>> Jeezzzzz how many times can one person win; some people have all the luck J At least he only won $7. Now only 14 cards left…….
Good luck to everyone

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site.
Nov 15: Regular meeting
Nov 22: No meeting
Nov 23: Thanksgiving
Nov 29: Regular meeting

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.