The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Sunrise- Wednesday March 30, 2005

A soldier from the South to a Soldier from the North! Oh how I love this Great Country of Ours. We tip our Red Hats to you all. Not a cryptic message, just a reminder of the great fun we had at the meeting this Wednesday. If you were there, You Know!

President’s Message: Once again several member email addresses were rejected this week, so please make sure you update your information on the website. Special ‘attention’ will be given at the next meeting to the members who have not yet done so.
April is Volunteer Month and our president encourages everyone to donate our time this month. Remember to keep track of your hours and report to Danielle at the end of the month. The hours will be tallied and submitted to District. If you are aware of projects in the community where we can volunteer, please bring the information to the next meeting.
Faith Community Church have a volunteer program where they go out to houses in the community and help with yard work and house repairs etc. If you know of family in our area needing help, please provide the information to Alex Rodriguez
Quick Reminder – Every Rotarian every Year – $100.00 RI Foundation Contribution drive. You can make your donation through RI’s website under “Membership Access.”
GREAT Golf Tournament News: We now have 100 golfers signed up and paid for, which is more golfers than ever before. This is going to be the best golf tournament ever. However, we do still have room for more golfers, and also encourage all to invite your friends to the dinner afterwards. The more people at the dinner, the better the raffle and auctions will be -- the more money we will raise for the scholarship program.
We still need more prizes for the raffle and silent auction. Please contact everyone you know who could possible donate some goods or services. We are looking for gift certificates to restaurants, spa’s, hair salons, stores, or merchandise we can use as is or in baskets. Please provide info to Diana Veloz.
The next Golf Tournament meeting is Monday, 4/4/05 at Reniero’s office.
Program: Tom Murphy, our club representative and group winner for the 4-Way Test competition, gave an excellent speech. He has obviously worked very hard to get to this point in the competition. And the Bird says, well You Know.
The speaker on April 6th will be Judge Khan, who presided over the Heidi Fleiss case.
Mark Tedesco won the raffle, but luckily for us, he didn’t draw that magic card. Now only 13 cards left for that big win.
We ended the program with a wonderful performance by one of our guests from the Rowdy Red Hat Ladies of West Covina. The 94 year old feisty lady performed an old patriotic song about the Soldier from the North and the Soldier from the South finishing off to a standing ovation. All in all it was a great meeting. If you were there, You Know.

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