The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wednesday August 17, 2005

An American in Love with this Country
By James Bruce Joseph Sievers

If you think you feel bad..
you can be happy you’re able to think.
When you’re walking about sadly…
how fortunate you’re able to walk.

Or when you begin your meal…
think how many have no food at all…
or complain how you feel…
what a luxury your health really is.

In a country such as ours…
with its trees and its flowers…
and its days and its nights…
full of freedom and rights…
can’t we see what it means to be free?

There’s no country on earth…
like the land of our birth..
we’re Americans…
and we’re proud to be.

But if you had a dollar…
how you’d scream and you’d holler…
if someone tried to take it away.

Listen to me, stranger..
your freedom’s in danger…
look around at your country today

The left is too left…
and the right’s much too right…
the middle can’t make up its’ mind

it’s not others we should fear…
look into your mirror..
a traitor in there you might find.
He comes in many forms…
dwells in offices and dorms…
and forgets that American is his name
Or he elects a man…
then does what he can…
to put his representative to shame.

Or he feels that it’s wrong…
for a nation to be strong…
and a uniform is no way to be free.

If we complacently…
ignore American’s plea…
we’ll loose her…
and be unable to see…

that our enemies… of course..
wont’ need to use force…
because or enemies are already here.

And as with Greece…
and with Rome…
we’ll soon give up our home…
if we don’t realize..
that with every year…

our youth can’t see…
what it means to be…
an American in love with his land…

So our example must show…
that we’re proud to know…
we’re Americans…
and we understand…
that the bruises and the scars…
on our stripes and stars…
are proof…for the youth to see…

that Americans must strive…
to keep American alive…

for freedom… can never be free.

The above poem was written by James Bruce Joseph Sievers who was our guest speaker August 17th. What a treat
a ‘real live poet’, so to speak
and very much an American Patriot.
He looks and walks
like the special forces man he used to be
with a sizeable neck
I doubt anyone can break.
Muscles like Hercules
and a booming voice
but with a pen as soft as feathers……
Well, I am going to stop before
I make too much a fool of myself
a poet I will never be.

President’s Message:
I want to encourage everyone to attend our wonderful club events. Bring your family, get to know each other on a more personal level. Our 3rd annual beach party is going to be a blast. Mark your calendar for Saturday, August 27, I will see you at the beach!

Club Service: Don Morrin and his committee have been busy scheduling events for the year, and the first one is coming up quick: 3rd Annual Beach Party: August 27, 2005 at Crystal Cove in Newport Coast. The party will start at the beach, with volleyball games and other fun games. We will then move to the Pool Site at Reniero Francisco’s new home in Newport Beach around 3:30pm. Here we will enjoy a great BBQ catered by Joni’s Café . There will be access to the pool, showers, a lounge and more. Finally we will close out this day of celebrating life, enjoying good company, food, family and friends, by retreating to Reniero’s home to enjoy his World Famous Margaritas. All are welcome to this family event. Please bring your kids, grandkids, husbands, wives, friends and neighbors. The more the merrier. Please contact Don Morrin for more info and to sign up (BBQ count) 626-579-2468.

PS. There is still time to join the pool on whether an old white guy can jump while playing volleyball. Please see Gary for more info…….

A Day at the Theatre: On October 9th, 2005, the Grove Theatre in Upland will become the West Covina Sunrise Rotary Theatre for the day. Don Morrin and his fellow thespians from the Grove Theatre will perform ‘Man of La Mancha’ as a special fundraising performance for our Rotary Club. There will be sponsorship opportunities available, so if you are interested in this great marketing opportunity, please call Don Morrin now. Ticket information will be available soon – and the event will include food and drinks, possible a silent auction and raffle prizes. More info to come, but please mark your calendars now. The goal is to raise enough money to fund our Christmas Basket Program.

Community Day at the Fair: Sept 30th is the West Covina Community Day at the LA County Fair. Rick Marshall is coordinating cars for the parade, and the committee is also looking into promotions items to toss to fair guests during the parade. Please see Dave Harris to participate in this fun event

Red Ribbon Rally. October 29th is the Red Ribbon Rally at West Covina High School. The planning meetings are held on Thursdays at 7:30 am at Denny’s. Please contact Alex Rodriquez, the club chair for this event, for more info.

Every Rotarian Every Year: Just a reminder to donate $100 to the RI Foundation. This is a new fiscal year, and the club encourages everyone to participate so the club can meet its goal of 100% participation.

50/50 Raffle: The lucky winner for the day was Luis Chacon, who picked a Jack. At least he didn’t win the whole thing this time…………

Member news: Congratulations to Kathy Benton who has been accepted into the master’s program at APU. Way to go.

If you see a red flash passing you by on the freeway -- Wave, it is probably Dr. Jessika in her new red Jag. Congratulations on getting your dream car, Jessika. Good thing you know a couple of guys in the West Covina Police Dept, I mean, just in case you have a hard time with your right foot on the pedal….

Aug 17: Weekly meeting: Poet James Sievers
Aug 24: Weekly meeting – Citrus Valley Health Partners
Aug 27: Beach Party
11AM: Crystal Cove in Newport Coast
3:30AM: Pool Site & Reniero’s home
Aug 31: Weekly meeting – Program – our own Alex Rodriguez, WC Fire Dept.
Sept 7: Weekly meeting – Greg Benton, Craft Talk, Counselor
Sept 14: Weekly meeting – Gary Pine, Sports Information Director, Azusa Pacific University
Sept 30: LA County Fair Community Day, LA County Fair Grounds, Pomona
Oct 7: CAPS: Silent Auction Event. More info to follow.
Oct: 9: A Day at the Theatre – Grove Theatre in Upland
Oct 22: Stepping Stones for Women, Annual Benefit Dinner Auction.
6:00 PM at Azusa Pacific University - Upper Turner Center. All proceeds will benefit the on-going work of SSFW where formerly homeless women can find a safe, nurturing environment, and learn the necessary skills to become physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually healthy.
Oct 29: Red Ribbon Rally, West Covina High School

Other Links you may want to visit:
District’s July Newsletter
Rotary International member website
Rotary International

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.