The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter , January 18, 2006

Presidents Message: The Southern California Foundation Dinner is February 11, 2006 at the Pacific Palms in Industry Hills. I will email a flyer to you for more details. The district is in need of silent auction items, if you have an item you can donate please let me know as soon as possible. Our club has been asked to donate one item. This is a great event, if your schedule permits plan to attend.

Don, Where were you? Diana Veloz invited her new assistant, Leo, to our meeting and as is customary, we sang the welcome song -- well, it is questionable if you can call it singing! Gary’s lead was so bad, the Country Club employees were laughing in the hall ways…….. It was so bad Henry Morgan, visiting from Covina, wouldn’t even join in. Maybe our next program should be some singing lessons!

The Mole has Spoken: It seems we have some ‘Unfriendly Rotarians’ among us. Gary Lawson was pointed out for not always greeting The Mole. However, I don’t think he can claim the title of Mr. West Covina Sunrise Unfriendly Rotarian, as he tried to do. Another notch from The Mole went to Rick Marshall – Rick it seems The Mole would like to say Good Morning to you every week.

Member News: Did you know that Gary Lawson looked just like a cute little girl as a toddler? With long, lustrous, blond curls – gleaming eyes and chubby cheeks! Yes, it is true. One big poster board and several child hood photos produced in secret by Bill Tarozzi decorated the speaker’s podium in honor of Gary for the day. What a treat!

Golf Tournament: Please make sure you mark your calendars with the date for our
Celebrity Golf Tournament -- April 24th, 2006.

Golf Meeting: January 25th at 8:30am after the regular meeting.

Program: Gary Lawson, the new Executive Director of the West Covina Chamber of Commerce, gave a presentation about the Chamber and the City of West Covina.

District Assembly for the 2006-2007 Rotary Year: April 22, 2006, Etiwanda Gardens. All Officers and Committee Members should plan to attend. For those of you new on the board -- and we welcome and thank you --- the district assembly is a “training” session for the various roles on the board.

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site.

Jan 25: Literacy Coaches from the West Covina School District

Jan 25: At 8:30 AM- Golf Tournament Meeting; Please mark your calendars and plan to attend, your participation is vital to the success of our programs.

Feb 1: Program tbd
Feb 8: Program tbd
Feb 11: Southern California Foundation Dinner: Past Rotary International President and chair of the Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees Frank Devlyn will be the guest speaker. Join other District 5300 Rotarians and their guests in a celebration of Foundation achievements. More information.....Mike Zoeller at or Sonia Lagomarsino at
Pacific Palms
1 Industry Hills Parkway
Industry Hills, CA.
Feb 15: Program tbd
Feb 22: Program tbd

Places you should visit regularly:

District’s Newsletter:
Rotary International member website:
Rotary International:

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.