The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

July 9th, 2009 The Sunrise

Guest Presentation: Luis Chacon Ass. District Governor
Our very own Assistant District Governor Luis Chacon was asked to speak to our club today by President Gary Lawson. The presentation was aimed to bring together the bigger picture of Rotary International, and how the leadership at the international
level trickles down and affects us at our local level.
We were asked not to lose sight of the bigger picture, but still understand that our
size generally limits our capabilities. Working as a team we will cover more ground, and prevent burnout.
Luis also reviewed our goal of netting one new member for the year. Quickly noting that although one sounds like an easy number we have about 6 members that will be officially phased out within the next two months alone.
Membership in some clubs is assigned to an individual member, but our club has opted out of having a single person responsible for membership.
By not having an individual focusing on this
capacity the responsibility falls onto each and every individual member.
Rotary is not open to all, nor is it meant for everyone. We should not blithely go after numbers alone. Instead, use your professional judgment when evaluating the qualities, drive, and ambition of an individual before inviting them to join Rotary. They should be a positive addition towards our club’s goals.

Luis also highlighted that we should try and revive some of our social activities. All work and no play wears people out. We need appropriate distribution of community service and fellowship amongst Rotarians to continue to have a strong impact.

Don Morren is organizing 4 day cruise for May 2009. Instead of the normal 3 day Baja cruise this goes North to Victoria. Details to come, but mark your calendar.

Lone Sorensen presented on the Rotary International Convention
Every we push to go to these, and it was finally in our back yard. Lone Sorensen was the only West Covina Sunrise member to participate in this year’s Rotary International Convention.
Lone attended all 5 days and shared some of her experiences that she had at this
convention. A great many projects that Rotary International is involved with had
booths set-up where you could learn intricate details of how it is going from the people setting it up.
From the report given it is an amazing event that you’d have to experience first hand
to truly grasp it. If you have not had an opportunity to attend a Rotary International Convention you should truly strive to make it to next years
It will be Rotary International’s 100th Convention and will be celebrated heavily
at Birmingham, England, UK.

Upcoming Events:
• 5k Run/Walk Saturday August 2nd, 7:30am. $20 benefits needy children in Los Angeles.
Contact Carolina
• September 10th meeting is dark.
• Make up meeting: September 11, 2009
District Governor Meeting will be held
at South Hills 12:00 noon.
• Day at the Theater is still planned and we
will have more details to come.
• We’re looking for a volunteer to request
the matching grant for the Shoes and
Socks program this year.
• May 2009 4 day cruise to Victoria, Pending

If you have information, suggestions, or an event that you would like included in the next newsletter, or you have updates to any event already listed please email
them to Seth.

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.