The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

July 16th 2008

Guest Presentation: Frank Scalfaro Rose Float Foundation
Our guest speaker for the July 16th, 2009 meeting was the 2007 West Covina citizen of
the year Frank Scalfaro.
Frank is the Chairman and President of the West Covina Rose Float Foundation, a non-profit organization. Scalfaro gave an update of the joint discussion currently
going on in conjunction with Cal-Poly to form a Heritage Park Historical Preservation
to be operated out of Taylor Hall.
West Covina Rose Float Foundation promotes higher education for children through their Community Involvement Scholarship that focuses on celebrating the achievements and efforts of local high school students.
If you missed this year’s Evening of Wine & Roses, held June 21, 2008. You missed a
delicious dinner served by Chef Brian, great music from Cold Duck, and of course Fine
The Evening of Wine & Roses is West Covina Rose Float Foundation’s largest fund raiser of the year, and they use the event to unveil the next float design, and recognize the high-school recipients of their achievement scholarships. SM

Future Guest Speakers:
Nathan Kirchenbaum– President of Future America West Covina.
New YWCA Director
Dr. Fujita– Talk about nutrition

If you would like to recommend a guest speaker please let Gary Know via e-mail.

The first meetings of every the month will not have a guest speaker so the club can
handle planning internal club business/events.

With the Fine Master away the mice will play, but get a coin
Fine Master, Mark Tedesco has
been out on vacation, and members
have relished in the calm
before the storm to come upon
his return.
In Tedesco’s first meeting as
Fine Master he instated new
rules that make getting fined
easier, and the added potential
that your fine may be doubled.
If you missed this meeting you
may be in for a big surprise
upon Tedesco’s return to the
I am hesitant to put any of his
new terms into writing because
it seems as though the details
to the fine master’s madness
are subject to change without
notice and at his whim.
For now though in his absence
we remain safe, but just be
sure you have a Rotary Coin in
your pocket at all times upon
his return.
If you don’t have a coin, you
have a few weeks to pick one up
from Mark Taylor who was going
to bring in some some coins.

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.