The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Friday, October 10, 2008

The 5th Annual "A Day at the Theatre"

The 5th Annual "A Day at the Theatre" December 14th, 2008 Presented by the West Covina Sunrise Rotary
Lunch is at noon and curtain is at 2pm

This extraordinary event is a great event that not only includes a delicious lunch being catered by Jouni's Cafe with your choice of wine or water, an extravagant performance of "The Gift of the Magi" starring Dale Kristen and Bill Hutton, but the proceeds from this event are going to a great local cause.

The money raised from this event will be matched by an outside donor, and then be used to purchase new shoes and socks for needy families. Some come out and enjoy a great day while making some Christmas dreams come true for some local children in need.

If you would like more information, need to purchase your tickets, or want to make a charitable donation for this cause please contact Don at (909) 816-3474.

Whose Life Have you Made a Difference in Today?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Corazon Super Build 2009

We spoke about Corazón Super Build 2009 at our meeting this morning. Some of us participated in this program last year and due to so many sign-up last year, many were discouraged from going. This year is was worked out a bit differently and opportunity for more Rotarians to participate exist. About 6 members rose their hands in support of participating with the program and I want to extend it to all those who did not make it this morning.

For me, Corazón Super Build has to be one of most gratifying and humbling Rotarian experiences so far next to attending the Rotary International Conference which by the way will be held in England next year but this another e-mail...

Meanwhile, we have a cut-off date of Nov 30 to send in our money but want to make sure our Rep, Ken Rowland, has our info so below is the current info on the District Website regarding this event. Please read and let our Pres Gary or me know if you're interested:

General Information
• This year we are currently signed up to build 4 houses through Corazón.
• A composite of 210 Rotary volunteers will be selected from each club contributing to this project to participate.
• Volunteers may be Rotarians, partners and their children over the age of 14.
• Club contributions range from $300 to $2500 depending on their size, as reported in the 2008/09 Directory.
Some Dates to Remember
• The build date is Saturday, May 16th, 2009.
• Most volunteers stay Friday night in Chula Vista at the Ramada Inn (Map).
• On Saturday, May 16th all volunteers meet at a central gathering place @ 6:00 AM and caravan across the border at 6:30 AM on May 16th, 2008.
Some Deadlines to Remember
• Club Applications with payment must be submitted to the Project Coordinator no later than November 30th, 2008.
• Club Applications contain specific information as to your club’s fair share sponsorship commitment in dollars and volunteers.
• Your payment must be received by the Project Coordinator no later than November 30th, 2008.
Some Details to Remember
• As of June 1, 2009, everyone crossing the U.S. border is required to possess a valid U.S. Passport. (Yes, even minors.) Until that time (and appropriate for this May 16th project date) a picture I.D. (CDL) and a copy of your birth certificate will suffice.
• Anyone driving across the border must have Mexican car insurance (available from the Auto Club and online from various vendors.)
• Transportation across the border to and from the job site is the responsibility of the volunteers. (Corazón will organize auto caravans.)
• Locations of the Ramada Inn, the central gathering place, and other information will be available well before the May 16th, 2008 build date.
Come join us for a unique experience that is both humbling and life-changing. For those that have had this satisfying experience, please share it with other Rotarians and encourage them to participate with volunteers from throughout District 5300.
Information, and to schedule a project representative for a club presentation, can be arranged through the Club Contact, as noted below.

Ken Rowland - Project Coordinator

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The 4-Way Test

Of the things we think, say or do:

1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

From the earliest days of the organization, Rotarians were concerned with promoting high ethical standards in their professional lives. One of the world's most widely printed and quoted statements of business ethics is The 4-Way Test, which was created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor (who later served as RI president) when he was asked to take charge of a company that was facing bankruptcy. This 24-word code of ethics for employees to follow in their business and professional lives became the guide for sales, production, advertising, and all relations with dealers and customers, and the survival of the company is credited to this simple philosophy. Adopted by Rotary in 1943, The 4-Way Test has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways.

Information on this page came from:
The The 4-Way Test page on the Rotary International web site.

The Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is a not-for-profit corporation that promotes world understanding through international humanitarian service programs and educational and cultural exchanges. It is supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and others who share its vision of a better world. Since 1947, the Foundation has awarded more than US$1.1 billion in humanitarian and educational grants, which are initiated and administered by local Rotary clubs and districts.

The Foundation was created in 1917 by Rotary International's sixth president, Arch C. Klumph, as an endowment fund for Rotary "to do good in the world." It has grown from an initial contribution of US$26.50 to more than US$73 million contributed in 2000-01. Its event-filled history is a story of Rotarians learning the value of service to humanity.

A child receives a polio vaccination through the

Rotary Foundation Polio Plus project.

A Rotary Foundation Matching Grant brought clean

drinking water to this small villiage.

The Foundation's Humanitarian Programs fund international Rotary club and district projects to improve the quality of life, providing health care, clean water, food, education, and other essential needs primarily in the developing world. One of the major Humanitarian Programs is PolioPlus, which seeks to eradicate the polio virus worldwide. Through its Educational Programs, the Foundation provides funding for some 1,200 students to study abroad each year. Grants are also awarded to university teachers to teach in developing countries and for exchanges of business and professional people. Former participants in the Foundation's programs have the opportunity to continue their affiliation with Rotary as Foundation Alumni.

A Matching Grant from the Rotary Foundation provided solar energy for three rural

schools near Santiago del Estero, Argentina.

You can find out more about the Rotary Foundation by visiting the Foundation section of the Rotary International web site.

Information on this page came from the following pages at the Rotary International web site:
About Rotary
The Rotary Foundation
Programs of the Rotary Foundation

About Rotary - What Is Rotary?

Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. In more than 160 countries worldwide, approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 30,000 Rotary clubs.

Rotary club membership represents a cross-section of the community's business and professional men and women. The world's Rotary clubs meet weekly and are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds.

The main objective of Rotary is service — in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world. Rotarians develop community service projects that address many of today's most critical issues, such as children at risk, poverty and hunger, the environment, illiteracy, and violence. They also support programs for youth, educational opportunities and international exchanges for students, teachers, and other professionals, and vocational and career development. The Rotary motto is Service Above Self.

Although Rotary clubs develop autonomous service programs, all Rotarians worldwide are united in a campaign for the global eradication of polio. In the 1980s, Rotarians raised US$240 million to immunize the children of the world; by 2005, Rotary's centenary year and the target date for the certification of a polio-free world, the PolioPlus program will have contributed US$500 million to this cause. In addition, Rotary has provided an army of volunteers to promote and assist at national immunization days in polio-endemic countries around the world.

Find out more about Rotary by visiting the Rotary International web site.

Information on this page came from:
The About Rotary and the RI Programs pages on the Rotary International web site

Club Service

Since becoming a member of Rotary, it has been my belief that the membership, not the many programs, projects and fundraisers, but the actual membership is what makes a club successful. For without dedicated, hard working members, a club will sputter. Those willing to put their name on a roster, but not actively work toward achieving club goals, will only lend themselves to a club that can survive but never thrive.

My goal as Club Service Chair is to help provide an atmosphere where members, new and old, are excited about being Rotarians. Where members look forward to Wednesday morning gatherings where friends and family meet. Where members are proud to offer friends and business acquaintances the chance to see first hand, what terrific programs and projects Rotary sponsors. Where members quickly learn that being a member of the West Covina Sunrise family is just that, a family.

My approach to Club Service is to understand and promote the close relationship and networking of the Chair Persons and related committees of the Four Avenues of Service. For example, the annual Scholarship Program is part of the Vocational Service Chair’s responsibilities. However, the related banquet falls under the Club Service Chair’s purview. To that end, I am looking forward to chairing and/or participating in the following projects and programs:

Annual Family Picnic
Beach Party
Texas Hold ‘em Poker Tournament
Day at the Races
LA County Fair
Red Ribbon Rally
Masquerade Ball
Holiday Gift Exchange
Christmas Baskets Program
A Day at the Theatre
Tarozzi Memorial Golf Classic
Theacher Mini Grant Program
Shoes and Socks Program
Shoots & Ladders
Inter Club idea exchange Program Fundraiser
International Project(s)
Throw Out Party
Victoria Cruise

I am convinced that members, family and friends who actively participate in the projects/programs listed above will realize, as I do, that being a part of Rotary means so much more than just belonging to a Service Club. Being directly involved with granting scholarships to graduating seniors, mini grants to deserving teachers, providing glasses or hearing aids to those in need in a third world country and providing books to hearing and sight impaired kids in South America. These programs and others like sponsoring youth activities at the YMCA and giving those in need a boost with programs like Future America allow us the unique opportunity to participate in life changing events. Service Above Self is not just a slogan; it becomes a wonderful way of life.

It is my honor to act as Chair of Club Service activities for the year, 2008 / 2009

Don Morrin

Four Avenues of Service - International Service

International Services translates into helping others who have so much less than we can imagine. Children in rural villages of underdeveloped countries are left behind since their parents can not afford to care for them. Some of the information Rotarians see daily are the numbers of children who are beyond underprivileged. Listed below are some of the numbers that should never be this large as reported by the United Nations:
--Some 40 million children ages 14 and younger suffer abuse and neglect.
--An estimated 250 million children ages 5-14 are working.
--More than 100 million children live on the streets, vulnerable to exploitation, drugs, and crime.
--Nearly 12 million children under age five die every year from preventable childhood diseases and malnutrition.
--Some 130 million children of primary school age, mostly girls, do not attend school, contributing to shorter life spans and greater susceptibility to poverty and illness.

International Service Projects are designed to meet the humanitarian needs of people in many lands, with particular emphasis on the most underprivileged children and families in developing countries. For this year, West Covina Sunrise Rotary will strive to reach out to some of our underprivileged neighbors in Central America. With the help from everyone in our club, we can make a difference and advance international understanding and goodwill while helping children who are in need. The inter-nationality of Rotary puts all clubs in a unique situation to promote peace and lend a helping hand. With club-to-club contacts, international services should be a priority for all clubs – whatever size they are.

We have so much and need so little while they have so little but need so much…

Four Avenues of Service

The Object of Rotary is to “encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise.” Rotary is a service organization. Since 1910, the Rotary Motto has been “Service Above Self.”

Rotary strives to achieve it’s objective of “Service Above Self” through activities in four primary areas. These are often referred to as the Four Avenues of Service.

Club Service
This “Avenue” promotes the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service. It involves the activities necessary to make the Club function successfully and achieve its goals.

Vocational Service
This area represents the opportunity that each Rotarian has to represent the dignity and utility of one’s vocation as an opportunity to serve society. Rotarians promote and foster high ethical standards in business and professions and promote the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations.

Community Service
This “Avenue” relates to the activities that Rotarians undertake to improve the quality of life in their community. Particular emphasis is given to helping children, needy families, the aged, the handicapped, and those most in need of assistance. Rotarians strive to promote the ideal of service in their personal, business, and community lives.

International Service
In this area, Rotarians strive for the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. International Service Projects are designed to meet the humanitarian needs of people in many lands, with particular emphasis on the most underprivileged children and families in developing countries.

Information on this page came from the following sources:
The Object of Rotary page on the Rotary International web site
The ABCs of Rotary by Clifford L. Dochterman, published by Rotary International.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Sunrise- West Covina Sunrise Rotary Newsletter

Newest Member: William Medina.

Our Guest speaker: Michelle McNeil- Director of the West Covina Community Service Department. She reported on the progress of Galster Wilderness Park which is an amazing area of land that was dedicated last Summer of 2007, and a Nature Center was opened in October 2007.

They planned a community out reach program for this past summer called Wild Wednesday's with the success goal set at 20-30 people from the community attending. They provided 12 Wild Wednesday's and the lowest turn out of the summer was 150 people and the maximum attendance was estimated at 250. The park is ran completely through community volunteers so the recent budget cuts have not forced the doors to close at this wonderful facility.

Raffle Grand Prize Winner: Two weeks ago Don Morrin won the raffle and drew the lucky winner at a club record 31 cards remaining (just over a 3% chance of winning). The down side to such a speedy withdrawal is that he almost set the record for the lowest amount won in a Grand Prize (Records are still being sifted to confirm if he holds both records).

Taste of West Covina: The West Covina Chamber of Commerce is hosting the 3rd Annual Taste of West Covina. Get your tickets in advance at a discount price, or get your friends together and buy a pack of 4 tickets for $100. Enjoy food, drinks, and music at this years Taste of West Covina. Call (626) 338-8496 for more information or tickets.

The Covina Chamber of Commerce is hosting their 38th Annual Golf Tournament at Via Verde November 3rd.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Guest Presentation: Future America
Nathan Kirshenbaum and Evelyn Layola Hatud

We were honored to receive
an update from Future America’s
CEO Nathan Kirshenbaum,
and Chief Operating
Officer Evelyn Layola
Hatud (a founding participant
of Future America).
Future America’s focus is an
anti-gang and anti-drug nonprofit
organization that was
founded by Gary Lawson in
1992. Future America is independently
financed through
generous donations within
the community. Without
business owners continuous
financial support and backing
this program would cease to
Future America prides itself
in providing the highest caliber
professionals to instruct
participants in the art of entertainment.
Currently they provide afterschool
activities for 7 local
schools 3 days a week , but
now they are doing their summer
program with 30+ kids.
Future America currently
focus on singing and dancing,
but with appropriate financial
backing would like to get back
into acting, modeling, video
broadcasting, and more.

“Don’t throw the baby out with the bath Water”- Gary Lawson
President Gary Lawson kicked off the meeting with some expressions that are casually thrown around without regard to their original meaning.
Such expressions were: dead ringer, graveyard shift, Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water, S.H.I.T, and more. I’d explain them here, but than the only pull we’d have to get you back to the meetings would be the runny egg breakfast special.
Gary Lawson continued his weekly drawing for who wins a lunch with the President drawing. Assistant District Governor Luis Chacon’s business card was drawn for this week.

Club Visitors:
-Cheryl Morren– Don’s now
retired wife joined us today.
-Lidia Torres– The Chacon’s
daughter joined us.
-William Medina– West Covina
Chamber of Commerce.
-Nathan Kirshenbaum
Stellar Business Bank
-Evelyn Hatud– Deloitte &
Touche LLP
- Regina Diaz– Partee Insurance

July 16th 2008

Guest Presentation: Frank Scalfaro Rose Float Foundation
Our guest speaker for the July 16th, 2009 meeting was the 2007 West Covina citizen of
the year Frank Scalfaro.
Frank is the Chairman and President of the West Covina Rose Float Foundation, a non-profit organization. Scalfaro gave an update of the joint discussion currently
going on in conjunction with Cal-Poly to form a Heritage Park Historical Preservation
to be operated out of Taylor Hall.
West Covina Rose Float Foundation promotes higher education for children through their Community Involvement Scholarship that focuses on celebrating the achievements and efforts of local high school students.
If you missed this year’s Evening of Wine & Roses, held June 21, 2008. You missed a
delicious dinner served by Chef Brian, great music from Cold Duck, and of course Fine
The Evening of Wine & Roses is West Covina Rose Float Foundation’s largest fund raiser of the year, and they use the event to unveil the next float design, and recognize the high-school recipients of their achievement scholarships. SM

Future Guest Speakers:
Nathan Kirchenbaum– President of Future America West Covina.
New YWCA Director
Dr. Fujita– Talk about nutrition

If you would like to recommend a guest speaker please let Gary Know via e-mail.

The first meetings of every the month will not have a guest speaker so the club can
handle planning internal club business/events.

With the Fine Master away the mice will play, but get a coin
Fine Master, Mark Tedesco has
been out on vacation, and members
have relished in the calm
before the storm to come upon
his return.
In Tedesco’s first meeting as
Fine Master he instated new
rules that make getting fined
easier, and the added potential
that your fine may be doubled.
If you missed this meeting you
may be in for a big surprise
upon Tedesco’s return to the
I am hesitant to put any of his
new terms into writing because
it seems as though the details
to the fine master’s madness
are subject to change without
notice and at his whim.
For now though in his absence
we remain safe, but just be
sure you have a Rotary Coin in
your pocket at all times upon
his return.
If you don’t have a coin, you
have a few weeks to pick one up
from Mark Taylor who was going
to bring in some some coins.

July 9th, 2009 The Sunrise

Guest Presentation: Luis Chacon Ass. District Governor
Our very own Assistant District Governor Luis Chacon was asked to speak to our club today by President Gary Lawson. The presentation was aimed to bring together the bigger picture of Rotary International, and how the leadership at the international
level trickles down and affects us at our local level.
We were asked not to lose sight of the bigger picture, but still understand that our
size generally limits our capabilities. Working as a team we will cover more ground, and prevent burnout.
Luis also reviewed our goal of netting one new member for the year. Quickly noting that although one sounds like an easy number we have about 6 members that will be officially phased out within the next two months alone.
Membership in some clubs is assigned to an individual member, but our club has opted out of having a single person responsible for membership.
By not having an individual focusing on this
capacity the responsibility falls onto each and every individual member.
Rotary is not open to all, nor is it meant for everyone. We should not blithely go after numbers alone. Instead, use your professional judgment when evaluating the qualities, drive, and ambition of an individual before inviting them to join Rotary. They should be a positive addition towards our club’s goals.

Luis also highlighted that we should try and revive some of our social activities. All work and no play wears people out. We need appropriate distribution of community service and fellowship amongst Rotarians to continue to have a strong impact.

Don Morren is organizing 4 day cruise for May 2009. Instead of the normal 3 day Baja cruise this goes North to Victoria. Details to come, but mark your calendar.

Lone Sorensen presented on the Rotary International Convention
Every we push to go to these, and it was finally in our back yard. Lone Sorensen was the only West Covina Sunrise member to participate in this year’s Rotary International Convention.
Lone attended all 5 days and shared some of her experiences that she had at this
convention. A great many projects that Rotary International is involved with had
booths set-up where you could learn intricate details of how it is going from the people setting it up.
From the report given it is an amazing event that you’d have to experience first hand
to truly grasp it. If you have not had an opportunity to attend a Rotary International Convention you should truly strive to make it to next years
It will be Rotary International’s 100th Convention and will be celebrated heavily
at Birmingham, England, UK.

Upcoming Events:
• 5k Run/Walk Saturday August 2nd, 7:30am. $20 benefits needy children in Los Angeles.
Contact Carolina
• September 10th meeting is dark.
• Make up meeting: September 11, 2009
District Governor Meeting will be held
at South Hills 12:00 noon.
• Day at the Theater is still planned and we
will have more details to come.
• We’re looking for a volunteer to request
the matching grant for the Shoes and
Socks program this year.
• May 2009 4 day cruise to Victoria, Pending

If you have information, suggestions, or an event that you would like included in the next newsletter, or you have updates to any event already listed please email
them to Seth.

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Golf Tournament: April 23, 2007.

Greg Benton is the chair for this year’s tournament. WE NEED EVERYONE TO PITCH IN.
Please call Greg to become involved with this great project.

Scholarship Committee: At the meeting on February 21st, the scholarship committee made the following recommendations, which were all accepted and approved by the club:

1) Applicants for the scholarships must either reside in the City of West Covina, or attend one of the following High Schools: West Covina, Nogales, South Hills or Coronado Continuation School.

2) Applicants will be ranked giving most emphasis on Financial Need, then Community Service and involvement in the local Community, and then Academic Achievements.

3) We will use the proceeds from the Golf Tournaments as follows: 75% of net proceeds to the Scholarship Program, 25% to Other Local Rotary Programs.

Upcoming meetings:

Wednesday, February 28st: We need to finalize the discussion about our Scholarship Program. Should we pay the award money directly to the student – or should the payment be made to the recipient’s chosen institution. When will the awards be given out? Should we have a banquet? Or attend the Award Ceremonies at the schools? Or should we invite the award winners to a Breakfast Meeting? Or all of the above?

If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact Dr. Lee Lau.

Wednesday, February 28th: The annual 4-way speech contest will take place at our regular breakfast meeting. Come meet the four contestants for this year and cheer them on as they perform their speeches. If you have any questions, please contact Miriam Tennant.

Raffle News: Well, with only 4 cards left, it was bound to happen. The lucky raffle winner finally picked the Ace of Spades and I am very, very happy to announce that I was the lucky one. And since I just totaled my car, I can surely use the money… Vatche, Show me the Money!!!

If you have any information you would like to have included in the weekly newsletter, please email info to Lone Sorensen at:

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Golf Tournament: April 23, 2007.

Greg Benton is the chair for this year’s tournament while Bill Tarrozi is serving as his assistant tournament chair. However, WE NEED EVERYONE TO PITCH IN. At today’s meeting, Greg and Bill handed out a detailed schedule of the main tasks we have to complete before and during the tournament. As you all know, there is plenty of work to be completed in advance of the tournament, and we need your help now. Please call Greg or Bill to volunteer.

Also, if you know of potential sponsors, please provide info to Bill and he will make sure that letters are sent out and phone calls are made.

Upcoming meetings:

Wednesday, January 24th: Greg & Billy will provide the first weekly update of the progress for the golf tournament.

Wednesday, January 24th: The principal from Monte Vista Elementary School will speak. (the recipient school of our Shoes & Socks program)

Saturday, January 27th: Foundation Dinner ( see more detailed info below )

Wednesday, February 14th: Reniero Francisco, our old friend and fellow Rotarian, will be on the program.

If you have any information you would like to have included in the weekly newsletter, please email to:

Don’t forget: Golf Tournament, April 23rd.

Raffle: There are only 9 cards left in the deck. The jackpot before today’s meeting was $1,433.00. So if you first of all buy raffle tickets, and you have the winning number --- and you then pick the right card --- you would have won at least $716.50. Luckily for us all, well except Luis, he picked the 8 of Diamonds today. So get ready for the buying frenzy next week.

California East and West Regions Foundation Dinner
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Royal Vista Country Club
20055 Colima Rd, Walnut, CA

Fary Moini The 37 Rotary Clubs of the California East and West Regions of District 5300 will be holding their Annual Foundation dinner this Rotary year on Saturday evening, January 27th at the Royal Vista Golf Club in Walnut. The speaker will be Fary Moini of the La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary Club, who will present her heart-warming story of her work with refugees in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The dinner will be a black tie optional affair. Cost per person $85.00
Phone: 626-284-9901 (office) 626-797-3258 (home)

Archive: West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter

Hello and thank you for visiting the West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter!

If you continue to scroll down you will find the historical newsletters converted into blog posts. You are now proceeding in reverse chronological order for the year 2006.

If you would like a copy of the original newsletter (old format and all) please contact Seth Miller - Web Master.

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Future America: Saturday December 9th is the annual Breakfast with Santa program, this year at BJ’s Restaurant. If you are interested in the sponsorship program, or want to attend, please contact Nathan Kirshenbaum at 626-536-7928 or Gary Lawson.

Appreciation Lunch: Dec 14th - West Covina Chamber is holding a Christmas luncheon at the West Covina Lanes - 675 S Glendora Ave, West Covina, CA 91790, (626) 960-3636 where service clubs will be recognized.

The LA 2008 Convention committee wants you! 24,000 Rotarians from around the world are expected to attend this Convention and the volunteer needs are great. We will need 1,200 volunteers to help make this the best ever Rotary International Convention. Sign up today at www.Rotary2008. The Convention dates are 6/14 to 6/18/08. For more info contact Stew Anderson 760-245-8816 Home,760-271-5778 cell,
Save the Date
California East and West Regions Foundation Dinner
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Royal Vista Country Club
20055 Colima Rd, Walnut, CA

Fary Moini
The 37 Rotary Clubs of the California East and West Regions of District 5300 will be holding their Annual Foundation dinner this Rotary year on Saturday evening, January 27th at the Royal Vista Golf Club in Walnut. The speaker will be Fary Moini of the La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary Club, who will present her heart-warming story of her work with refugees in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The dinner will be a black tie optional affair.
Phone: 626-284-9901 (office) 626-797-3258 (home)
Fax: 626-284-1704

Save the Date: President-Elects Training Seminar (PETS)
March 2-4, 2007, LAX Hilton, 5711 West Century Boulevard, Los Angeles, California

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site

Dec 13: Regular meeting: Program is Michele McNeill, Director of West Covina's Community Service Department. Michele is the newest department Director and is a potential member!
Dec 14: West Covina Chamber Appreciation luncheon
Dec 20: No Regular Meeting::::::Shoes & Socks program at K-Mart West Covina
Dec 24: Christmas for us Europeans... :-)
Dec 25: Christmas for you Americans.. :-)
Dec 27: No Meeting
Dec 31: Happy New Year

Places you should visit regularly:
District’s Newsletter:
Rotary International member website:
Rotary International:

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Red Ribbon Rally: The Red Ribbon Rally was a huge success. It was estimated that we baked approx. 150 more lbs of pancake mix than last year – and that amounts to a whole lot of pancakes…………
Thanks for all who volunteered
Especially Mark Dettor who chaired the event for our club.

Future America: Saturday December 9th is the annual Breakfast with Santa program, this year at BJ’s Restaurant. If you are interested in the sponsorship program, or want to attend, please contact Nathan Kirschenbaum at 626-536-7928 or Gary Lawson.

The LA 2008 Convention committee wants you! 24,000 Rotarians from around the world are expected to attend this Convention and the volunteer needs are great. We will need 1,200 volunteers to help make this the best ever Rotary International Convention. Sign up today at and click on volunteers sign up. The Convention dates are 6/14 to 6/18/08. For more info contact Stew Anderson 760-245-8816 Home,760-271-5778 cell,

Program: The speaker was John Mansino, with the Coalition on Urban Renewal & Education. IT was a very good presentation full of some very scary statistics in regards to the state of the public educational system. His organization is trying to make sure students enrolled in non-performing schools can utilize the No-One Left Behind vouchers to transfer to better schools – something that is not happening now. They are also trying to enrich the education and get the schools to emphasize Reading, Writing, Math & Science. Schools in the US lack far behind most Asian and European schools in testing, especially in Science & Math. They are also very concerned about the many forms of sexual education being taught to kids as young as 6 in 1st grade. Some of his examples were outrageous. The organization is looking for volunteers, people to write letters to editors etc., and also monetary donations. Please call 310-410-9981 for more info. You can also check out

I think we need to invoke a new rule --- Marc Taylor can no longer participate in the weekly raffle ----- HE WON AGAIN>>>>>>> Jeezzzzz how many times can one person win; some people have all the luck J At least he only won $7. Now only 14 cards left…….
Good luck to everyone

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site.
Nov 15: Regular meeting
Nov 22: No meeting
Nov 23: Thanksgiving
Nov 29: Regular meeting

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thank you, Don. Thank you, Don. Thank you, Don.

The second annual Day at the Theatre was a huge success. Not only was the play hilarious, the food was great, and we made a lot of money. The profits from the event is estimated at $5,556…….. What an all around great event.

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make this such a success event His
Also, lets all thank Jacob Jouni who donated all the food for the event. His restaurant is located at 930 N. Central Ave, in Upland. Stop by for lunch or dinner – or use him for your catering needs. He will cater for 25 people -- or for 250 people.

Shoes & Socks Program: Because our speaker did not show up as planned, we instead discussed the Shoes & Socks program for Christmas. Kris Kelso & Carolina are going to contact 3 local elementary schools & several different stores to explore the best way to buy the shoes. Next week will be the second meeting of the committee – right after the regular meeting.

Red Ribbon Rally: This Saturday at West Covina High School. We start setting up at 6AM. We need volunteers from 6AM till approx. Noon.

Chamber: The West Covina Chamber of Commerce will host their First Friday of the month Breakfast on Friday November 3rd. The speaker will be Fire Chief Eliot. For more info please contact Gary Lawson.

Future America: Saturday December 9th is the annual Breakfast with Santa program, this year at BJ’s Restaurant. If you are interested in the sponsorship program, contact Nathan Kirschenbaum at 626-536-7928.

The LA 2008 Convention committee wants you! 24,000 Rotarians from around the world are expected to attend this Convention and the volunteer needs are great. We will need 1,200 volunteers to help make this the best ever Rotary International Convention. Sign up today at and click on volunteers sign up. The Convention dates are 6/14 to 6/18/08. For more info contact Stew Anderson 760-245-8816 Home,760-271-5778 cell,

The speaker didn’t show, so we discussed the Shoes & Socks program.

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site.

Oct 28: Red Ribbon Rally
Nov 1: Regular meeting
Nov 8: Regular meeting
Nov 15: Regular meeting
Nov 15: Red Ribbon Rally Thank you Dinner.
Nov 22: No meeting
Nov 23: Thanksgiving
Nov 29: Regular meeting

Places Rotarians should visit regularly:
District’s Newsletter:
Rotary International member website:
Rotary International:

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The will be dancing in the street.
October 22nd, Noon

The street in front of the theatre will be closed and tables will be set up for our lunch !!!!
So far we have sold 200 tickets -- but we have a commitment to the theater for 250 – and we have to pay for all 250 tickets. So please contact all your friends, neighbors, and family members. Also talk to your PTA Club, your baseball team, your bridge club, the kids’ football team, your bar tender, your barber & your beautician ….. You get the message I am sure.. Sell those tickets.
Please contact Don Morrin for tickets at (909) 816-3474 e-mail or Billy Tarozzi at (800) 938-9929 Check out for more information.

Red Ribbon Rally: October 28. Please sign up to help make pancakes - we need you from 6am till approx. noon. Mark Dettor is this year’s chair.
Red Ribbon Rally Thank You Dinner will be held at West Covina High School's Dog Rock Café November 15th at 7PM. All members are urged to attend in support of this event.

Center for Aging Resources: Join Vatche for the Fifth Annual Silent Auction, Fundraiser and Open House to benefit the Center for Aging Resources. This Friday, October 20, from 6PM to 9 PM. The event is free and includes dinner, drinks, live auction, and a 50/50 raffle. Also free entertainment by Vatche who will mc’s the event in his period costume.

Chamber: The West Covina Chamber of Commerce will host their First Friday of the month Breakfast on Friday November 3rd. The speaker will be Fire Chief Eliot. For more info please contact Gary Lawson.

The LA 2008 Convention committee wants you!
99th Annual RI Convention * Los Angeles 2008
A collaborative venture of RI Districts
5240, 5260, 5280, 5300, 5320, 5330, & 5340

24,000 Rotarians from around the world are expected to attend this Convention and we need your help. Sign up and be a part of the Convention experience as a volunteer participant. Our volunteer needs are great. We will need 1,200 volunteers to help make this the best ever Rotary International Convention. Sign up today and become part of the Rotary International experience.
Here’s how:
Go to and click on volunteers sign up. Review the assignments and pick the one that interests you. Fill in the blanks and submit. It is that easy. All volunteers
will need to register for the convention. The Convention dates are Saturday June 14th thru Wednesday June 18, 2008. Thank you taking the time to read this. If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me or the current District Governor. Stew Anderson PDG 2005-2006,760-245-8816 Home,760-271-5778 cell,

The speaker didn’t show, so we had time to discuss the various committees and how they are coming along in their work.

Raffle: Marc Taylor won the raffle - for the like 12th time or something  - but at least he didn’t win the jackpot. Now only 16 cards left.

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site

Oct 20: Center for Aging Resources Annual Silent Auction
Oct 22: Menopause the Musical
Oct 25: Regular meeting
Oct 28: Red Ribbon Rally
Nov 15: Red Ribbon Rally Thank you Dinner.

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, October 10, 2006

There will be dancing in the street!!!
October 22nd, Noon

The street in front of the theatre will be closed and tables will be set up for our lunch !!!!
So sell those tickets……………
So far we have sold 197 tickets -- but we need to sell 250. Please contact all your friends, neighbors, and family members. Also talk to your PTA Club, your baseball team, your bridge club, the kids’ football team, your bar tender, your barber & your beautician ….. You get the message I am sure.. Sell those tickets.
Please contact Don Morrin for tickets at (909) 816-3474 e-mail or Billy Tarozzi at (800) 938-9929 Check out for more information.
Red Ribbon Rally: October 28. Please sign up to help make pancakes - we need you from 6am till approx. noon. Mark Dettor is this year’s chair. Meetings are Thursday mornings at 7:30 AM at Denny’s on Azusa, in West Covina. Expected 5000 participants…..
Red Ribbon Rally Thank You Dinner will be held at West Covina High School's Dog Rock Café November 15th at 7PM. All members are urged to attend in support of this event.

West Covina Taste of the Town: Roaring 20’s VIP Casino Night - What a Blast…
If you didn’t attend Friday night you missed a grand good time. Jazz music, singers, dancing, gambling and lots of great food. Silent auction and raffle too. But the highlight of the night was the doctor and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Tenant put on a show for all – swing dancing to all of our delights… Who knew Forest could dance like that and Mirian being swung and tossed around like a teenager …. They sure put all the younger folks to shame with their athleticism. Now time to go work out.

Center for Aging Resources: Join Vatche for the Fifth Annual Silent Auction, Fundraiser and Open House to benefit the Center for Aging Resources. Friday, October 20, from 6 to 9 PM. The event is free and includes dinner, drinks, live auction, and a 50/50 raffle. Also free entertainment by Vatche who will mc’s the event in his period costume.

Stepping Stones for Women: Stepping Stones for Women will he hosting their Annual 2006 Dinner Auction, Saturday, October 14, 2006, at 6 pm, at the Upper Turner Center at Azusa Pacific University. There will be a great silent/live auction, jazz music, gourmet dinner. All proceeds will benefit Stepping Stones for Women’s operations and future expansion of their facilities.

Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar: Would you like to sharpen your leadership skills and become more effective in leading in your Rotary Club, other community organizations or your business?
District 5300 is offering the 2006 Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar (PRLS) to provide you with these answers and more! The goal of PRLS is to provide a set of training sessions wherein current and future Rotary leaders learn to become more effective in their leadership roles. Every subject is intended to be of benefit either inside or outside Rotary.
October 14, 2006 in Rancho Cucamonga and October 21 in Las Vegas. You can find details and the registration forms on the District website at Questions? Contact PRLS Committee Chair, Greg Jones ( Pasadena Sunrise) at
The LA 2008 Convention committee wants you!

99th Annual RI Convention * Los Angeles 2008
A collaborative venture of RI Districts
5240, 5260, 5280, 5300, 5320, 5330, & 5340

24,000 Rotarians from around the world are expected to attend this Convention and we need your help. Sign up and be a part of the Convention experience as a volunteer participant. Our volunteer needs are great. We will need 1,200 volunteers to help make this the best ever Rotary International Convention. Sign up today and become part of the Rotary International experience.
Here’s how:
Go to and click on volunteers sign up. Review the assignments and pick the one that interests you. Fill in the blanks and submit. It is that easy. All volunteers
will need to register for the convention. The Convention dates are Saturday June 14th thru Wednesday June 18, 2008. Thank you taking the time to read this. If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me or the current District Governor.
Stew Anderson PDG 2005-2006, 760-245-8816 Home, 760-271-5778 Cell

Every Rotarian, Every Year
Can you not afford less than $1.93 a week?
• As a Rotarian you are encouraged to support the work of OUR Rotary
Foundation by donating a minimum of $120 a year.
• Here are some suggestions for reaching this commitment painlessly:
• Have your club add $10 per month on to your bill.
• Sign up through “member access” for an annual charge to
your credit card or checking account.
• Take your change out every night and then send into TRF.

An Invitation to Participate
Earlier this year we began the process of providing a venue filled with programs that would draw Rotarians from the most distant portions of our district 5300 to the 2007 District Conference. We are developing small committees that will be organized at the club level to get the word out and encourage other fellow Rotarians to get the wheels moving and become a part of the excitement. If you have fun being in on the action, helping to plan, eager to serve, you are needed. Call me now so we can begin to spread the workload out and at the same time, Share the Adventure. We are on the road to success and we need to be able to share this with hundreds of Rotarians and their friends. This event has all the potential of being the most attended conference in years. If you believe that we Rotarians are doing the right things, then step up to the plate and share Rotary with your friends and neighbors.
Now the ball is in your court! Let me hear from you and the role you want to play in this great opportunity. Climb aboard the adventure train and become a productive and interactive member of the Marketing Team for the 2007 District 5300 Conference!
Cliff Houser (day) (626) 568-4320, or e-mail:

Program: Today's speaker was Sylvia Whitlock. Not only was she the very first FEMALE Rotary member, she was also the first female president of a Rotary club. The year was 1987 - yes, that’s right 1987, was the first year that Rotary International let a women become a member – and they didn’t do it willingly. It took several years, several courts – all the way to the US Supreme Court before Rotary International bowed to the pressure and let women join. Sylvia was a member of the Duarte Rotary Club - “The Mouse That Roared” club when she first joined. She is now a member of Claremont Rotary. Her presentation was great. She is very low key and tells a the very interesting story of her trials and tribulations in a very entertaining manner. Thank you Sylvia.

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site.

Oct 14: Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar PRL Seminars,
Oct 14: Stepping Stones for Women annual fundraising dinner
Oct 18: Regular meeting
Oct 20: Center for Aging Resources Annual Silent Auction
Oct 22: Menopause the Musical
Oct 25: Regular meeting
Oct 28: Red Ribbon Rally
Nov 15: Red Ribbon Rally Thank you Dinner.

Places you should visit regularly:
District’s Newsletter:
Rotary International member website:
Rotary International:

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Rotary Day at the Theatre: Menopause the Musical - Special showing for West Covina Sunrise Rotary only – Sunday, October 22nd: Noon: Lunch will be served - 2pm play begins. Special pricing includes lunch, wine & water: first 6 rows center $55. All other tickets $45.
The food will either be a Mexican Buffet – or if we get the permits to close down the street – we will set up tables & canopies and Jouni will then provide BBQ for everyone. This is shaping up to be an even greater event than last year!!! So sell those tickets.
So far we have sold 185 tickets -- but we need to sell 300. Please contact all your friends, neighbors, and family members. Also talk to your PTA Club, your baseball team, your bridge club, the kids’ football team, your bar tender, your barber & your beautician ….. You get the message I am sure.. Sell those tickets.
Please contact Don Morrin for tickets at (909) 816-3474 e-mail or Billy Tarozzi at (800) 938-9929 Check out for more information.
It was discussed at the meeting to award Jouni with a plague for all the work he has done for our club. An honorary membership is also a possibility. If you have any ideas, please contact Don Morrin.
Red Ribbon Rally: October 28. Please sign up to help make pancakes - we need you from 6am till approx. noon. Mark Dettor is this year’s chair. Meetings are Thursday mornings at 7:30 AM at Denny’s on Azusa, in West Covina.
Red Ribbon Rally Thank You Dinner will be held at West Covina High School's Dog Rock Café November 15th at 7PM. All members are urged to attend in support of this event.

West Covina Taste of the Town: Roaring 20’s VIP Casino Night: Friday, October 6th, 6-11PM at the West Covina Westfield Mall.
NEWS: Because other clubs have sold all their tickets, Sunrise Rotary has given back our un-sold tickets. Members will not be required to buy tickets & the club will not buy tickets. If you want tickets, please contact Gary Lawson.
For more info visit
PS. Gallo will be providing free wine from 6 til 7 PM…
so get your tickets now.

Volunteers are needed Saturday and Sunday from 11:30 am till 6PM. Please contact Gary Lawson to sign up to help. Don’t forget we share in the profits for this event, and so far we have not done any work……….

Center for Aging Resources: Join Vatche for the Fifth Annual Silent Auction, Fundraiser and Open House to benefit the Center for Aging Resources. Friday, October 20, from 6 to 9 PM. The event is free and includes dinner, drinks, live auction, and a 50/50 raffle. Also free entertainment by Vatche who will mc’s the event in his period costume.

Stepping Stones for Women:
Stepping Stones for Women will he hosting their Annual 2006 Dinner Auction, Saturday, October 14, 2006, at 6 pm, at the Upper Turner Center at Azusa Pacific University. There will be a great silent/love auction, live jazz music, gourmet dinner. All proceeds will benefit Stepping Stones for Women’s operations and future expansion of their facilities.
Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar: Would you like to sharpen your leadership skills? Would you like to receive advice from "the experts" on how to be more effective in leading in your Rotary Club, other community organizations or your business? Are you interested in being a Rotary Leader but don't know where to begin?

District 5300 is offering the 2006 Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar (PRLS) to provide you with these answers and more! The goal of PRLS is to provide a set of training sessions wherein current and future Rotary leaders learn to become more effective in their leadership roles. The program is designed to encourage those whose goals include a basic comfort with a leadership position. Every subject is intended to be of benefit either inside or outside Rotary.

The basic PRLS curriculum includes:
• Communications - Basic Leadership Principles - Leading a Meeting - Basic Public Speaking - Rotary, Your Club and You - Leading And Motivating Volunteers
Presenters include past and present District 5300 leaders and others from our community. Each PRLS seminar is different in content, so even if you’ve attended once, come again!
Those who attend a PRLS training meeting and participate in other Rotary leadership events receive recognition at the District Conference and a special PRLS pin.
This year's PRLS meetings will be held October 14, 2006 in Rancho Cucamonga and October 21 in Las Vegas. You can find details and the registration forms on the District website at Questions? Contact PRLS Committee Chair, Greg Jones ( Pasadena Sunrise) at
The LA 2008 Convention committee wants you!

99th Annual RI Convention * Los Angeles 2008
A collaborative venture of RI Districts
5240, 5260, 5280, 5300, 5320, 5330, & 5340

24,000 Rotarians from around the world are expected to attend this Convention and we need your help. Sign up and be a part of the Convention experience as a volunteer participant. Our volunteer needs are great. We will need 1,200 volunteers to help make this the best ever Rotary International Convention. Sign up today and become part of the Rotary International experience.
Here’s how:
Go to and click on volunteers sign up. Review the assignments and pick the one that interests you. Fill in the blanks and submit. It is that easy. All volunteers
will need to register for the convention. The Convention dates are Saturday June 14th thru Wednesday June 18, 2008.
Thank you taking the time to read this. If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me or the current District Governor.
Stew Anderson PDG 2005-2006, 760-245-8816 Home, 760-271-5778 Cell

Every Rotarian, Every Year
Can you not afford less than $1.93 a week?
• As a Rotarian you are encouraged to support the work of OUR Rotary
Foundation by donating a minimum of $120 a year.
• Here are some suggestions for reaching this commitment painlessly:
• Have your club add $10 per month on to your bill.
• Sign up through “member access” for an annual charge to
your credit card or checking account.
• Take your change out every night and then send into TRF.

An Invitation to Participate
By: Cliff Houser, Marketing Chair for 2007 District Conference.

Earlier this year we began the process of providing a venue filled with programs that would draw Rotarians from the most distant portions of our district 5300 to the 2007 District Conference. The planning is not only exciting but it is one of the finest events I’ve had opportunity to help plan. What is on-going as we read, is the development of small committees that will be organized at the club level to get the word out and encourage other fellow Rotarians to get the wheels moving and become a part of the excitement. It really is contagious!
If you have fun being in on the action, helping to plan, eager to serve, you are needed. Call me now so we can begin to spread the workload out and at the same time, Share the Adventure. We are on the road to success and we need to be able to share this with hundreds of Rotarians and their friends. This Conference will also be a great opportunity for you to bring an interested party to see what Rotary District 5300 is all about. This event has all the potential of being the most attended conference in years. If you believe that we Rotarians are doing the right things, then step up to the plate and share Rotary with your friends and
A desire is only an idea held in expectation, that may come to pass!
The thing that brings us to fulfilling a desire is action. Now the ball is in your court! Let me hear from you and the role you want to play in this great opportunity.
Climb aboard the adventure train and become a productive and interactive member of the Marketing Team for the 2007 District 5300 Conference!
Cliff Houser (day) (626) 568-4320, or e-mail:

Program: Today's speaker was Rosalinda Buckwald, from the Azusa Rotary Club. She is the advisor to the Rotoract Club at Citrus Collge and provided an overview of what the club does, and how Rotary Clubs can sponsor Rotoract clubs.

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site.

Oct 6: Taste of West Covina Casino Night
Oct 11: Program Speaker - Sylvia Whitlock. Today's speaker is Sylvia Whitlock, the first woman club president in Rotary International 1987-1988. She is a member of “The Mouse That Roared, the Rotary Club of Duarte.” She tells and interesting story on her trials and tribulations in becoming the first woman club president.
Oct 14: Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar PRL Seminars,
Oct 14: Stepping Stones for Women annual fundraising dinner
Oct 18: Regular meeting
Oct 20: Center for Aging Resources Annual Silent Auction
Oct 22: Menopause the Musical
Oct 25: Regular meeting
Oct 28: Red Ribbon Rally
Nov 15: Red Ribbon Rally Thank you Dinner.

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, September 27, 2006

President’s Message: We had a great presentation this morning from Chris Datwyler. But we had a lot of absentees.
Please remember we need to sell tickets for the day at the theatre.
We also need to sell tickets for “A Taste of West Covina”.
And do not forget the Red Ribbon Rally on October 28th. Mark Dettor needs volunteers.

Rotary Day at the Theatre: Menopause the Musical - Special showing for West Covina Sunrise Rotary only – Sunday, October 22nd: Noon: Lunch will be served - 2pm play begins. Special pricing includes lunch, wine & water: first 6 rows center $55. All other tickets $45.
So far we have sold approx. 160 tickets -- but we need to sell 300. Please contact all your friends, neighbors, and family members. Also talk to your PTA Club, your baseball team, your bridge club, the kids’ football team, your bar tender, your barber & your beautician ….. You get the message I am sure.. Sell those tickets.
Please contact Don Morrin for tickets at (909) 816-3474 e-mail or Billy Tarozzi at (800) 938-9929 Check out for more information.

Red Ribbon Rally: October 28. Please sign up to help make pancakes - we need you from 6am till approx. noon. Mark Dettor is this year’s chair. Meetings are Thursday mornings at 7:30 AM at Denny’s on Azusa, in West Covina.
Red Ribbon Rally Thank You Dinner will be held at West Covina High School's Dog Rock Café November 15th at 7PM. All members are urged to attend in support of this event.

West Covina Taste of the Town: Roaring 20’s VIP Casino Night: Friday, October 6th, 6-11PM at the West Covina Westfield Mall. Cost: $20. Please see Carolina Chacon for tickets. The proceeds will benefit the following West Covina organizations: Women’s Club, Kiwanis, Lions Club, Rotary (noon), West Covina Beautiful, WC Council PTA, WC Historical Society & of course your own Sunrise Rotary. A great way to raise money – simply have fun…….
Since our club has not sold a lot of tickets, probably not enough to be considered for the event again next year, it was decided by vote, that all members will be charged for 2 tickets, and that the club will buy 50 tickets so we at least will sell 100 tickets. The club tickets will be used for PR purposes, given to teachers, potential members etc. If you would like some tickets, please contact Carolina Chacon. Tickets will also be available at the meeting on October 4th. Remember this is a great opportunity to get photos & stories in the local papers: West Covina Sunrise Rotary donates tickets to hard working teachers….. etc..
For more info visit
PS. Gallo will be providing free wine from 6 til 7 PM…
so get your tickets now.

Center for Aging Resources: Join Vatche for the Fifth Annual Silent Auction, Fundraiser and Open House to benefit the Center for Aging Resources. Friday, October 20, from 6 to 9 PM. The event is free and includes dinner, drinks, live auction, and a 50/50 raffle. Also free entertainment by Vatche who will mc’s the event in his period costume.

Stepping Stones for Women: The rummage sale Sept 23 was a great success. Thanks to everyone who either donated items or purchased items…. One person’s trash an other’s treasure ..
Stepping Stones for Women will he hosting their Annual 2006 Dinner Auction, Saturday, October 14, 2006, at 6 pm, at the Upper Turner Center at Azusa Pacific University. There will be a great silent/love auction, live jazz music, gourmet dinner. All proceeds will benefit Stepping Stones for Women’s operations and future expansion of their facilities.
Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar: Would you like to sharpen your leadership skills? Would you like to receive advice from "the experts" on how to be more effective in leading in your Rotary Club, other community organizations or your business? Are you interested in being a Rotary Leader but don't know where to begin?

District 5300 is offering the 2006 Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar (PRLS) to provide you with these answers and more! The goal of PRLS is to provide a set of training sessions wherein current and future Rotary leaders learn to become more effective in their leadership roles. The program is designed to encourage those whose goals include a basic comfort with a leadership position. Every subject is intended to be of benefit either inside or outside Rotary.

The basic PRLS curriculum includes:
• Communications
• Basic Leadership Principles
• Leading a Meeting
• Basic Public Speaking
• Rotary, Your Club and You
• Leading And Motivating Volunteers
Presenters include past and present District 5300 leaders and leaders from the greater community. Each PRLS seminar is different in content, so even if you’ve attended once, come again!
Those who attend a PRLS training meeting and participate in other Rotary leadership events receive recognition at the District Conference and a special PRLS pin.
This year's PRLS meetings will be held October 14, 2006 in Rancho Cucamonga and October 21 in Las Vegas. You can find details and the registration forms on the District website at Questions? Contact PRLS Committee Chair, Greg Jones ( Pasadena Sunrise) at
Program: Today's speaker was Chris Datwyler from District 5300. He is the "behind the scenes" man that makes the District's website as effective as it is. He showed us where all the District info is located on the website. The website is quite informative and Chris does a great job of keeping us all informed.

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site.

Oct 4: Regular meeting
Oct 6: Taste of West Covina Casino Night
Oct 11: Program Speaker - Sylvia Whitlock. Today's speaker is Sylvia Whitlock, the first woman club president in Rotary International 1987-1988. She is a member of “The Mouse That Roared, the Rotary Club of Duarte.” She tells and interesting story on her trials and tribulations in becoming the first woman club president.
Oct 14: Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar PRL Seminars,
Oct 14: Stepping Stones for Women annual fundraising dinner
Oct 18: Regular meeting
Oct 20: Center for Aging Resources Annual Silent Auction
Oct 22: Menopause the Musical
Oct 25: Regular meeting
Oct 28: Red Ribbon Rally
Nov 15: Red Ribbon Rally Thank you Dinner.

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Governor's Visit: The Governor’s visit September 5th was a great success. We had a wonderful dinner at South Hills Country Club attended by approx. 100 Rotarians and guests. And Gary was honored by our club, as well as Don Morrin & Mirian Tenant. Also a special shout out to Luis and Carolina Chacon who have just become Paul Harris fellows.. Congratulations to all.
Rotary Day at the Theatre: Menopause the Musical - Special showing for West Covina Sunrise Rotary only – Sunday, October 22nd: Noon: Lunch will be served - 2pm play begins. Special pricing includes lunch, wine & water: first 6 rows center $55. All other tickets $45.
This Year's Day at the Theatre is the hilarious celebration of Women and The ChangeTM Menopause the Musical. This show is a must see, comes highly recommended but most importantly, it is our second most important fundraiser of the year supporting our "Shoes and Socks Program" that replaced our Christmas Basket Program. Review the attached link to the Menopause website to learn more of this hilarious and joyful parody. The musical is playing at The Grove Theatre - 276 E. 9th Street, Upland, CA (Old Town Upland) Theatre Phone (909) 920-4343. Please contact Don Morrin for tickets at (909) 816-3474 e-mail or Billy Tarozzi at (800) 938-9929 Check out for more information.
Red Ribbon Rally: October 28. Please sign up to help make pancakes. Mark Dettor is this year’s chair. Meetings are Thursday mornings at 7:30 AM at Denny’s on Azusa, in West Covina.
West Covina Taste of the Town: Roaring 20’s VIP Casino Night: Friday, October 6th, 6-11PM at the West Covina Westfield Mall. Cost: $20. Please see Carolina Chacon for tickets. The proceeds will benefit the following West Covina organizations: Women’s Club, Kiwanis, Lions Club, Rotary (noon), West Covina Beautiful, WC Council PTA, WC Historical Society & of course your own Sunrise Rotary. A great way to raise money – simply have fun…….
Since our club has not sold a lot of tickets, probably not enough to be considered for the event again next year, it was decided by vote, that all members will be charged for 2 tickets, and that the club will buy 50 tickets so we at least will sell 100 tickets. The club tickets will be used for PR purposes, given to teachers, potential members etc. If you would like some tickets, please contact Carolina Chacon. Remember this is a great opportunity to get photos & stories in the local papers: West Covina Sunrise Rotary donates tickets to hard working teachers….. etc..
For more info visit
LA County Fair- Sept 8 – Oct 1, 2006: For tickets pricing and special promotions check out this webpage:
Center for Aging Resources: Join Vatche for the Fifth Annual Silent Auction, fundraiser and Open House to benefit the Center for Aging Resources. Friday, October 20, from 6 to 9 PM. The event is free and includes dinner, drinks, live auction, and a 50/50 raffle. Also free entertainment by Vatche who will mc’s the event in his period costume.
Stepping Stones for Women: A great Rummage Sale to benefit Stepping Stones for Women’s programs, which include in-residence and supportive services for single mothers and their children, will be held Saturday, Sept. 23, from 8 am to 2 pm in the parking lot of the Neighborhood Christian Fellowship Church, at 18821 E. Arrow Hwy, Covina ( by Barranca). Donations of clean, useable items are now accepted Monday - Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm. Please note donations receipts will be promptly given.
Stepping Stones for Women will he hosting their Annual 2006 Dinner Auction, Saturday, October 14, 2006, at 6 pm, at the Upper Turner Center at Azusa Pacific University. There will be a great silent/love auction, live jazz music, gourmet dinner. All proceeds will benefit Stepping Stones for Women’s operations and future expansion of their facilities.
Program: The membership chair for the Southern California area and the High Desert, Jeanette Bourke, gave a lively presentation geared towards increasing the membership in Rotary.
Don Morrin won the raffle, but only walked away with $5. The big one is still in there, only about 17 cards left….

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site
Sept 23: Stepping Stone for Women rummage sale.
Sept 27: Speaker: Chris Datwyler. Today's speaker is Chris Datwyler from District 5300. He is the "behind the scenes" man that makes the District's website as effective as it is. He will inform us the ins and out of the site, how it can serve us, and how we can help him become more effective as the "Webmaster" but he is not just the website guru, he is an important link to all kinds of information that can assist us become a more productive and effective Rotary club......

Oct 4: Regular meeting
Oct 6: Taste of West Covina Casino Night
Oct 11: Program Speaker - Sylvia Whitlock. Today's speaker is Sylvia Whitlock, the first woman club president in Rotary International 1987-1988. She is a member of “The Mouse That Roared, the Rotary Club of Duarte.” She tells and interesting story on her trials and tribulations in becoming the first woman club president.
Oct 14: Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar PRL Seminars, Saturday, October 14, 2006 in Ontario, CA, 8AM - 2PM, Citizen’s Business Bank 701 N. Haven Ave. Ontario, CA 91764 Map

Oct 14: Stepping Stone for Women annual fundraising dinner
Oct 18: Regular meeting
Oct 20: Center for Aging Resources Annual Silent Auction
Oct 22: Menopause the Musical
Oct 25: Regular meeting
Oct 28: Red Ribbon Rally

Places Rotarians should visit regularly:
District’s Newsletter:
Rotary International member website:
Rotary International:

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Governor's Visit: Our regularly scheduled meeting for Sept 13th will be held on Tuesday, Sept 12th, in the evening as a joint dinner meeting with the Covina Clubs, our WC Noon Club and Industry's Club. Please note that our very own Gary Lawson will be honored for his many years of service to Rotary and the youth in our community at the event. Cost for the event is $15 for members, $25 for guest. RSVP to Vatche is required to attend.

Rotary Day at the Theatre: Menopause the Musical - Special showing for West Covina Sunrise Rotary only – Sunday, October 22nd: Noon: Lunch will be served - 2pm play begins. Special pricing includes lunch, wine & water: first 6 rows center $55. All other tickets $45.

This Year's Day at the Theatre is the hilarious celebration of Women and The ChangeTM Menopause the Musical. This show is a must see, comes highly recommended but most importantly, it is our second most important fundraiser of the year supporting our "Shoes and Socks Program" that replaced our Christmas Basket Program. Review the attached link to the Menopause website to learn more of this hilarious and joyful parody. The musical is playing at The Grove Theatre - 276 E. 9th Street, Upland, CA (Old Town Upland) Theatre Phone (909) 920-4343. Please contact Don Morrin for tickets at (909) 816-3474 e-mail or Billy Tarozzi at (800) 938-9929 Check out for more information.

Red Ribbon Rally: October 28. Please sign up to help make pancakes. Mark Dettor is this year’s chair. Meetings are Thursday mornings at 7:30 AM at Denny’s on Azusa, in West Covina.

Taste of West Covina: Roaring 20’s VIP Casino Night: Friday, October 6th, 6-11PM at the West Covina Westfield Mall. Cost: $20. Please see Carolina Chacon for tickets. The proceeds will benefit the following West Covina organizations: Women’s Club, Kiwanis, Lions Club, Rotary (noon), West Covina Beautiful, WC Council PTA, WC Historical Society & of course your own Sunrise Rotary. A great way to raise money – simply have fun…….
For more info visit

LA County Fair- Sept 8 – Oct 1, 2006: For tickets pricing and special promotions check out this webpage:

Center for Aging Resources: Join Vatche for the Fifth Annual Silent Auction, fundraiser and Open House to benefit the Center for Aging Resources. Friday, October 20, from 6 to 9 PM. The event is free and includes dinner, drinks, live auction, and a 50/50 raffle. Also free entertainment by Vatche who will mc’s the event in his period costume.

Stepping Stones for Women: A great Rummage Sale to benefit Stepping Stones for Women’s programs, which include in-residence and supportive services for single mothers and their children, will be held Saturday, Sept. 23, from 8 am to 2 pm in the parking lot of the Neighborhood Christian Fellowship Church, at 18821 E. Arrow Hwy, Covina ( by Barranca). Donations of clean, useable items are now accepted Monday - Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm. Please note donations receipts will be promptly given.
Stepping Stones for Women will he hosting their Annual 2006 Dinner Auction, Saturday, October 14, 2006, at 6 pm, at the Upper Turner Center at Azusa Pacific University. There will be a great silent/love auction, live jazz music, gourmet dinner. All proceeds will benefit Stepping Stones for Women’s operations and future expansion of their facilities.
Program: Linda Logan, Covina Noon Club spoke about the Rotary Youth exchange program. If you are interested in hosting an exchange student, or know of someone interested in the program (must be between the ages of 15-18 to participate), please contact Linda Logan directly. You can host a short term student, 3 to 4 weeks, or long term, which is for one year.

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site.

Sept 12: Governor’s visit. Dinner at 6:30PM SHCC
Sept 20: Speaker: Jeanette Bourke. Today’s program speaker will discuss membership within the District and RI overall. She will address issues facing Rotary and provide strategies to help our club grow.

Sept 23: Stepping Stone for Women rummage sale.

Sept 27: Speaker: Chris Datwyler. Today's speaker is Chris Datwyler from District 5300. He is the "behind the scenes" man that makes the District's website as effective as it is. He will inform us the ins and out of the site, how it can serve us, and how we can help him become more effective as the "Webmaster" but he is not just the website guru, he is an important link to all kinds of information that can assist us become a more productive and effective Rotary club......

Oct 4: Regular meeting
Oct 6: Taste of West Covina Casino Night
Oct 11: Program Speaker - Sylvia Whitlock. Today's speaker is Sylvia Whitlock, the first woman club president in Rotary International 1987-1988. She is a member of “The Mouse That Roared, the Rotary Club of Duarte.” She tells and interesting story on her trials and tribulations in becoming the first woman club president.
Oct 14: Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar PRL Seminars, Saturday, October 14, 2006 in Ontario, CA, 8AM - 2PM, Citizen’s Business Bank 701 N. Haven Ave. Ontario, CA 91764 Map

Oct 14: Stepping Stone for Women annual fundraising dinner

Oct 18: Regular meeting
Oct 20: Center for Aging Resources Annual Silent Auction
Oct 22: Menopause the Musical
Oct 25: Regular meeting
Oct 28: Red Ribbon Rally

Places you should visit regularly:
District’s Newsletter:
Rotary International member website:
Rotary International:

Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday May 3, 2006

President’s Message: First and foremost, I want to thank the M&M club and all volunteers who turned out to help make our 14th Annual Golf tournament a success. Fortunately, we had plenty of Rotarians and friends and family of Rotarians who showed up the day of the event to give of their time. As Mark & Marc have noted, we can never have too many volunteers. The Golf tournament was a huge success and we will meet on Friday, May 12th to “wrap up” and take notes for next year.
Well, only eight more meetings until I’m tossed to the past-president bone yard. However, I am in good company. I have told our next president (Vatche) that he has my full support in his year. I hope you will do the same.
Our “Our Throw-Out” party is scheduled for Saturday, June 24, 2006. More details to follow, please mark your calendars and plan to attend.

Celebrity Golf Tournament -- April 24th, 2006.
The tournament was a huge success. Thanks to Mark & Marc for all their hard work. And thanks to all the volunteers who helped put together such a great event.

Golf Tournament Wrap Up Meeting: Friday, May 12, 2006, 6PM
Avolios Pizza Italian Restaurant
15975 East San Bernardino Road ( by Irwindale Ave)
Covina, CA 91722

Meeting news: The last several meetings have been busy for the Sgt. of Arms. It seems a lot of our members like to vacation! Miriam and her husband went skiing in Mammoth, which cost her an additional $20 at the wheel. Kris Kelso and his girlfriend went to Death Valley – his spin was worth $25. Mark Tedesco and his wife went to Mexico on a kind-of-second- honeymoon -- their daughter just got married and is on her honeymoon and since dad forked over the cash for the wedding it seems he thought he deserved a little vacation too, and that cost him $15 at the wheel. Bruce Simms went to Needles with his family, and his spin cost him $25 – really cheap considering Carolina Chacon was trying to sell photos of Bruce posing in rabbit years for Easter……. Lastly but not least – we had a BIG 50 Birthday spin. None other than Luis Chacon. He got away cheap – a measly $15.
Oh, I almost forgot – Bill Tarozzi wasn’t wearing his pin and spun for $15. He tried to get out of spinning, claiming we were all lucky to see him fully dressed! It seems his wife is out of town and he is having problems ‘locating’ his clothes…..
At the latest meeting, Greg Benton got to spin. It seems he was featured in an article in a local paper. He is getting some attention as he tries to change the general public’s opinion about lawyers, trying to convince us that they are not all bad….

Member news: Gary, Gary, Gary… the length you will go through to get some attention….
All joking aside. I hope you are healing well and will have one of the best looking noses in town in a couple of weeks.

Group Study Exchange : What are 5 strangers doing in our District? If you didn't already know, we are currently hosting 5 individuals from the Group Study Exchange with District 1910 Austria-East, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia. Chris Leydolt is the team leader and recently retired from natural gas and investments. Masa Ostruh a lawyer. Iris Marlovits works with the chamber of commerce. Szabolcs Horvai is an ENT doctor, while Simone Scholz works in the telecommunications industry.
They are here to travel through our district, experience our culture and visit with Rotarians of their same vocation. We are charged with hosting them, showing them a good time, cultural and civic experience. In return they will speak to a few of our clubs while they are here. In these talks they will share their experiences and describe their lives back home. Please contact GSE Chair Charles Barr for more information about this group. They arrived on April 22nd and will finish off their tour with our District Conference on May 20th.

Now our district needs your help. We're looking for a few great Rotarians. Do you fit the bill? Do you know someone else? We need some applicants to travel to Austria-East, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia next April. Yes that's right, we need to find someone willing to travel through Europe and lead a group of young professionals. This is an incredible opportunity for anyone. Please contact Greg Custer, 2006-2007 GSE Chair. He can be reached at 626-441-5111.

There is a team leader application at the following District 5300 website.
The general schedule for the next few months is as follows:
Team Leader Applications Deadline - June 1, 2006
Team Leader Interviews - July 8, 2006
Team Member Applications Deadline - August 25, 2006
Team member Interviews - September 16, 2006

Good Friday Breakfast: The San Gabriel Valley YMCA’s annual Good Friday Breakfast at South Hills Country Club on April 14th, 2006 was a great success. The speaker, David Frost, a former Angel’s pitcher, was a riveting story teller. It was fun to hear his stories of his days in major league baseball. And also his way of re-finding Christ after years of ignoring his basic beliefs. I hope we get invited again next year.

Night out on the Town: The West Covina Lions are hosting their annual Night out on the Town on June 1st at the Lakes Plaza by Edwards Cinemas. For $20 you get to sample great food from many local restaurants and to finish off the evening – you get tickets to the theatre.

Here’s your chance at winning $1,000.00 (One Thousand Dollars) CASH $$$: The East Valley Community Health Center will have a raffle on their Gala night, June 2, 2006. Winner need not be present to win. Tickets are $10.00 each. Please see Carolina Chacon for tickets.

Program: The speaker was Officer Ken Plunkett with the West Covina Police Dept’s special Graffiti Task Force. He gave an informative presentation about the graffiti problem in West Covina. I had no idea that the police dept gets over 900 calls a month for graffiti in West Covina alone. One of our own, Jessika Martinez, has had some personal experience with etching at her store location, and the problem is much more widespread than I think most of us realized. Officer Plunkett also passed along several ‘art’ books confiscated from taggers. What a shame that talented youth choose to vandalize vs. doing something creative in the arts.

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site

May 10: Regular meeting
May 12: Golf Wrap Up meeting
May 17: Regular meeting
May 24: Regular meeting
May 31: Regular meeting
June 1: Night out on the Town, West Covina Lions, Edwards Cinemas, 6pm
June 24: WC Sunrise Rotary Throw-Out Party

Places you should visit regularly:
District’s Newsletter:
Rotary International member website:
Rotary International:

West Covina Sunrise Rotary Club Newsletter Wednesday March 29, 2006

President’s Message: Not sure what most of our fellow Rotarians had for dinner Tuesday night that made them so “rowdy”. I had no control of the meeting thanks to Bruce Sims, Kris Kelso and our very own Sgt at Arms. Unbelievable! Maybe they were too excited to be in a different environment since we met at the Mariposa Inn Mexican Restaurant due to remodeling at our usual hang out. What ever the case may be, I hope next week they give me a break and behave like adults, I may be asking for too much. Our Golf tournament meeting was very successful, we need more member involvement. Remember this is OUR biggest fund raiser of the year, we need all of you to make it as successful as possible.

Meeting news: This was a busy meeting for the Sgt. of Arms. We had 3 birthday spins, Miriam Tennant, Jessika Martinez, and Luis Chacon for his daughter Matilda for a total of $60.00. But that was not it for the spins. Kris Kelso had to pay $15 for his ‘No Comment’ Spin (the comment would have to be bleeped out). Bruce Sims had to spin when his cell phone rang at the beginning of the meeting. He tried to get the fee waived by claiming it was simply a Reminder to start the meeting Ring – but no go. And then poor Gary Lawson had to spin the familiar Unfriendly spin. It seems the mole reported that Gary isn’t quite greeting members the way he should. However, later in the meeting, Gary got his $15 waived by majority consent when he volunteered to take over the program duties for June ( June was left without a program coordinator with the departure of Alex Rodriquez from the club) I just wonder who the mole is ?? Gary, unfriendly??

Celebrity Golf Tournament -- April 24th, 2006.
Golfers: We need golfers
Sponsors: We need hole sponsors, tee sponsors and golf package sponsors.
Raffle Prizes: More and more prizes are coming in every week. However, we can always use more, so please contact your business associates for donations.
Volunteers: We also will need plenty of volunteers for the tournament. We need people to man the tables, sell tickets, help at holes, set up of auction and raffle items, sell dinner tickets and the list goes on and on. Please ask your friends now! Call Carolina Chacon for more info.
Thanks for your continued support of our golf tournament! Keep thinking SPONSORS!

Member news:
Don Morrin’s dad is hospitalized with several severe ailments, and Don’s mother is currently staying with Don and his wife. Please keep Don and his family in your prayers.
Henry Morgan of the Covina Sunrise club lost his wife Joy this week. The memorial will be this Saturday, April 1st, at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, on 3rd & Badillo in Covina. In lieu of flowers, the family has asked for donations to the Joy Morgan Memorial Fund.

Exchange Students: The Sgt of Arms himself had to spin this time. It seems he was a little too interested in the female German exchange student! If you are interested in hosting an exchange student for approx 12 months, please contact Carolina Chacon for more information.

President Elect: Our incoming president, Vatche Kelartinian invites everyone to attend the District Assembly – if you are interested, please contact Vatche.

Good Friday Breakfast: The San Gabriel Valley YMCA will be hosting its 28th Annual Good Friday Breakfast at South Hills Country Club on April 14th, 2006. Special guest will be Favid Frost, a former Angels pitcher, commodities trader in Chicago, and a columnist for the Orange County Register. Please join us to hear his special message.

First Friday Breakfast: Soar with the Eagles and Network with your West Covina Chamber on April 7th at 7:00 am. Special guest speaker Pastor Kelley DuPee from Faith Community Church. As usual a local charity will also be featured and given the chance to appeal to the local business community for support. This time it is our very own Stepping Stones For Women with Executive Director Kathy Benton. $15 chamber members, $18 at the door. Location: Marie Callender’s, East Garvey, West Covina.

Program: Tony Long, with the Diabetes Care Education & Pharmacy Services of West Covina provided us with some very well received information about Diabetes, sugar levels in the blood, diet and many other health issues. Diabetes is the 5th highest cause of Death in the US, and #1 cause for blindness. Another fatal disease caused by diabetes is renal failure – and the most scariest statistics of all is – THAT DIABETES CAN BE CONTROLLED…. with medications, diet changes and exercise people with diabetes can live normal long happy healthy lives. If you would like more information, please contact Tony at 877-227-3889

Raffle: Miriam Tennant left the breakfast $20 richer as she drew a joker.

2006 District Conference
Hilton Palm Springs Resort
May 18-21, 2006
"Fun in the Sun 2006"
400 E Tahquitz Canyon Way
Palm Springs, CA

Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammer Save the Date!
May 3, 2006
Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammer, Rotary International President will be in Las Vegas May 3 for an Interclub meeting.
Details will be posted here when available.
For more information.....
Tom Novotny

Calendar: The information below and more can be found on our very own web site

Apr 5: Editor/Publisher for Armijo Newspaper
Apr 12: Program tbd
Apr 14: Good Friday Breakfast, YMCA, at South Hills Country Club
Apr 19: Program: Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis
Apr 21-22: District Assembly
Apr 24: Golf Tournament

Places you should visit regularly:
District’s Newsletter:
Rotary International member website:
Rotary International:
Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.