The Sunrise Newsletter

The Sunrise Newsletter

Friday, October 3, 2008

Corazon Super Build 2009

We spoke about Corazón Super Build 2009 at our meeting this morning. Some of us participated in this program last year and due to so many sign-up last year, many were discouraged from going. This year is was worked out a bit differently and opportunity for more Rotarians to participate exist. About 6 members rose their hands in support of participating with the program and I want to extend it to all those who did not make it this morning.

For me, Corazón Super Build has to be one of most gratifying and humbling Rotarian experiences so far next to attending the Rotary International Conference which by the way will be held in England next year but this another e-mail...

Meanwhile, we have a cut-off date of Nov 30 to send in our money but want to make sure our Rep, Ken Rowland, has our info so below is the current info on the District Website regarding this event. Please read and let our Pres Gary or me know if you're interested:

General Information
• This year we are currently signed up to build 4 houses through Corazón.
• A composite of 210 Rotary volunteers will be selected from each club contributing to this project to participate.
• Volunteers may be Rotarians, partners and their children over the age of 14.
• Club contributions range from $300 to $2500 depending on their size, as reported in the 2008/09 Directory.
Some Dates to Remember
• The build date is Saturday, May 16th, 2009.
• Most volunteers stay Friday night in Chula Vista at the Ramada Inn (Map).
• On Saturday, May 16th all volunteers meet at a central gathering place @ 6:00 AM and caravan across the border at 6:30 AM on May 16th, 2008.
Some Deadlines to Remember
• Club Applications with payment must be submitted to the Project Coordinator no later than November 30th, 2008.
• Club Applications contain specific information as to your club’s fair share sponsorship commitment in dollars and volunteers.
• Your payment must be received by the Project Coordinator no later than November 30th, 2008.
Some Details to Remember
• As of June 1, 2009, everyone crossing the U.S. border is required to possess a valid U.S. Passport. (Yes, even minors.) Until that time (and appropriate for this May 16th project date) a picture I.D. (CDL) and a copy of your birth certificate will suffice.
• Anyone driving across the border must have Mexican car insurance (available from the Auto Club and online from various vendors.)
• Transportation across the border to and from the job site is the responsibility of the volunteers. (Corazón will organize auto caravans.)
• Locations of the Ramada Inn, the central gathering place, and other information will be available well before the May 16th, 2008 build date.
Come join us for a unique experience that is both humbling and life-changing. For those that have had this satisfying experience, please share it with other Rotarians and encourage them to participate with volunteers from throughout District 5300.
Information, and to schedule a project representative for a club presentation, can be arranged through the Club Contact, as noted below.

Ken Rowland - Project Coordinator

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Content Copyright © 2004-2008 Rotary Club of West Covina Sunrise, California USA.